
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, October 16, 2020

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Light Mortar Team

The truly busiest time of the year has descended upon my life, but that doesn't mean I may or may not be painting on these mandatory (and useless) 7am calls for an 8am-8pm operation.  

My Gnomish Space Marine Light Mortar was part of the Planetary Defense Force Starter Set from the Sandstorm Wars Kickstarter.  The Kickstarter was poorly executed, but the figures are very nice.  

It's a small victory, but it does fulfill my pledge to paint a "unit/squad/group" for my Gnomish Space Marines for October, and a head start for the November pledge.  Figures like Donnie "The Smuggler" Riddlebottom might be part of the universe, but I'm counting towards the "Special/Individual figure" goal of at least one per month.   

Of course, I've also slapped a "Full Unit" goal every month as well.  My personally infamous Nauvoo Legion is a roll-over from the last month (and the one before that... an thee one before that) but anything with more than ten common figures will count.  The GSM could qualify, but I'm thinking of the Zulu boxed set I have in storage, more gnomes, or I'd even qualify some micro-armor/OGRE/Battletech if I got around to it.  

Big anniversary gift (that wasn't my wife's usual arrangement of beer to me) was the arrival of the Coasters for the Party Kickstarter from Steve Jackson Games.   It was quick, it was cheap, and I slapped on some glow-in-the-dark Illuminati dice for fun.  

Basketball Diaries:  We've survived a relatively calm Fall with dance and flag football.  Now is the crazy month, as the girls complete together in not one, but two "School Team" leagues at two local AAU programs.   There's about 60-70% overlap between the two teams, but two different coaches make things interesting.  Best yet, I'm just a parent required to drive them around.  

Project 350:  526 (355/171) from 527 (354/173). The wife is working this weekend, and with a game that has literally been set up on the dining room table since Sunday, I swear upon the graves of my enemies, at least one game gets done!

Next: We're in the second half of the month already, and the Halloween game must be played, especially since the special minis arrived at the house... from the roller skating rink?

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