
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, October 23, 2020

(Painting) Legions of Steel G1 Nightmare Security Patrol Horde

 In celebration of the Legions of Steel: Operation Anvil Kickstarter launching next Monday, the increased workload at home and the office, and  the escalation of the kitten chaos, forcing me to salvage my painting bench, I figured knocking out the Nightmares I got from the previous LOS Kickstarter was a good idea for this week. 

As much as the classic "Terminator" scheme is more than sufficient, I figured out some splash of color is necessary to stand out. a bit more on the table.   
Standard Nightmares like the ones pictured make up the grunts of the Machine armies.  Armed with Deadbolt Launchers and Nachtmacher Grenades are more than sufficient for attacks and defenses, limiting the enemies options and allowing larger, tougher units the space to maneuver.  

These figures are without a command figure, usually an Assault Fiend of varying level.  They still have a link to the Machine network, but would be given rudimentary commands, such as patrolling a perimeter, or guarding a particular room in a low-risk area.  The command figure would have a stronger transmitter to send signals further and faster, so a group of these Nightmares would have the slowest signal and the slowest priority sending communications.  

There are some more Nightmares in the queue, from a recent eBay purchase of painted figures.   Those, as well as some of the G1A and G1B variants will be painted using examples out of the old Planetstorm tabletop rules.

Basketball Diaries and other Sundry Items: I had my furnace explode Saturday night.  Relief valve and the tank were both bad,  creating a small flood in the basement and a sauna-like environment.  Luckily I got things shut off and began cleaning up most of it before I went to bed.  As of this writing, the basement is dry, and nothing gaming wise was affected by the sauna.  

Kitten Chaos:  That being said, these kittens are no longer kittens, they are small cats with terrifying thunder and grievous lightning.  The mini-flood and moisture issue has given me a great reason to pull shelves away from the walls, wipe everything down, and most importantly sweep underneath everything.  

The cleaning rabbit hole I've gone down has allowed me to reorganize the painting queues for projects, taking up less space, and focusing on my three painting goals each month:  At least one unit of something, at least one individual figure, and at least one Gnomish Space Marine project (although I'm allowing Gnome Wars).  

Project 350:   523 (352/171) down from 526 (355/171). Only behind on this week's actual play.  I hope to get the Halloween game done this weekend, and that would fill material through the remainder of October.  November will be a crazy month at work, and I've already set up my projects to reflect that.  There's only nine pre-scheduled posts this year, and barring some good post-election gaming memes, I only see myself getting 4 or 5 draft projects finished.  Barring anything unusual, Project 350's constant goal of 350 drafts and pre-scheduled posts COMBINED might be around 500(!), the lowest it has been since before the Pandemic.  

Sure, I might have a hoarding issue with having my Christmas Day and Easter posts ready to go a decade early, but I also have over a year's worth of Tuesday RPG Actual Play in the bank. 

Next:  Really, the mythical Nauvoo Legion is getting paint.  Zombie Survivors and perhaps some rogue Space Dwarfs are on the docket.

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