
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #3 - The Short Tale of Rusty

9 Mai 534, Village of Mere, Barony of Gulluvia
Hugo required another rest to recover, and lost the confidence of the fighter Conan.  However, the two halfling recruits, Beula Berrybottom and Bodo Billabong, were bored enough with Mere that they were willing to wait for some excitement. It was decided to return to the Mentzer Mine one last time to attempt of rescue Marleen Furribottom, but is was unanimous to avoid any other little green men in the underground hallways.

Giant rats pouring out of a cistern were a different story, and a similar result.

Hugo, not feeling at all confident, turned around and ran into a giant armadillo-like creature.  The creature disintegrated Slothina's chain mail by merely touching it. After a futile combat, in which only Beulah could strike a solid blow to it's underside, Bodo was able to tangle the creature with some rope.

Slothina named it Rusty and drug it through the dungeon, tossing the creature at some armed skeletons. The skeletons were largely unphased by Rusty, struck a grievous blow to Slothina, and Beulah was forced to pull her out of harm's way. It was time to regroup again, perhaps find even more hapless souls to help them. The silver from the goblins would keep them for a few more days until Hugo planned to reveal the scroll he had uncovered in Rusty's lair to the rest of them.

RIP: Rusty
Next: #4 - A Map.... to Gygar's Castle

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