
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Winter Gnome, COVID Gnome

The first measurable snow in on the ground here. There’s a bit more snow where I am vs the family abode.  I’m currently in a higher mountain at the local hospital in the ICU, half recovered from COVID. 

Back on Friday’s quick painting posting, I casually mentioned the positive test from Wednesday.  By Sunday morning I was still feeling ok, but the Pulse-Oximeter was pulling lower and lower O2 numbers, and this viruses doesn’t favor the procrastinator.  Off by ambulance to the hospital!

It took a few hours, but I was moved down to the ICU, where I’ve been staying at ever since.  Thanks to oxygen, antivirals, and steroids, it’s been a steady improvement since my admission.  Perfect timing from self-care.

I’m in a large regional trauma facility, retooled to take in more COVID patients that the other hospitals, hence a larger ICU, but I don’t share one trait with other patients.  I can actually hold conversations with staff, or my family.  Every one else is sedated, vented and strapped down, while varying  life saving procedures are being conducted. 

It’s too terrifying to ponder at times.

Stay home, wash your hands, wear a mask!