
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, January 25, 2021

I am Once Again Asking to Cast Fireball....

A week after the inauguration, the world is not much better, but the most of us have united by our laughter and appreciation of the Bernie Sanders memes.

I'll post about two of the memes.  Today I give you the direct gaming homage. 

Great picture, fantastic table, odd little goblets,.. but whoever set-up the initial picture has no idea of how a custom GM-screen works.  It's great that somebody had a copy of T1-4: Temple of Elemental Evil, but seriously, what convoluted campaign are you running that you need the Moathouse and the Level 4 of the Temple dungeon in your screen at the same time?  

I do have to admit that the wooden GM screen looks pretty classy, even it it's bulkier than my days carrying around all the 1st Edition AD&D books to a friend's house, by bike.  

Last time I saw one that nice, it was part of a color sketch of Knights of the Dinner Table and the limited-edition SteamHack GM Screen.  

1 comment:

  1. I just bagged and boarded about 150 issues of KODT, this week. I've got to get some more of each, so that I can do for the rest of my collection.

    KODT is the only comic I collect, but it is the BEST comic I collect. :)
