
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Christmas That Keeps on Giving

Thanks to COVID, the cuts at the Postal Service, and additional COVID-related staffing issues at the Postal Service, this holiday season has been a series of one delay after another.  On Monday, we received three different packages from three different companies.  All were Christmas presents ordered PRIOR to Black Friday.  At least Amazon has the decency to cancel an order at the last second, rather than leave us hanging.  

Also caught up in the USPS nightmare was my sister's big box o' presents to the family.  Priority Mail from Philadelphia to Wilkes-Barre?  $18 and TWO WEEKS delivery time.  

The good news is that the wait was worth it.  Everyone loved their items, and I was colored intrigued 

Field Notes produces a whole range of handy little memo and note books.  The graph and dot-graph paper books are intriguing enough, but I received sets of their 5e Gaming Journals.  

Knowing my forte, I immediately opened up the Game Master Journal.  Within the 64-page journal are pre-printed pages for campaign conception, deities, local Kingdoms, adventure recaps, and general scheming.   The Burning Trogs Redux has been calling to me recently, and one journal I will use to review and consolidate all my notes, if indeed, things ever get off the ground.  The second journal?  I'll stash that away for another concept...

In a world of online gaming and Roll20 character sheets, the concept of a 5e Character Journal is somewhat lost, but as a hand-held history of everything from concept to creation to level-by-level documentation (if you dig that stuff.), to pages and pages of space for notes and character development.

And yes, there's two pages for a character sheet data.  It's pretty sweet.  

I also received a set of field notes own pencil line, an a pair of of the dot-graph note books, great for dungeons, maps, or setting up your own.  Character sheet for a game other than 5e.  

Now if I can only get my sister (and brother-in-law's) gifts to the post office.   Like I've said for the last ten months, it's been a long year.

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