
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, January 23, 2021

(Kickstarter) Bloody Peasants by Midlam Miniatures

 Midlam Miniatures has another solid Kickstarter launched, Bloody Peasants.

This collection has 12 human and 12 halfling farmers for $76US.  Pledge levels range from specific figures to the full set of 24. 


  1. I've picked up most of their Kickstarter projects over the past few years; not all, but most.

    The ones I avoided were those I did not see even the smallest possibility of using with my Imagi-Nations.

  2. Midlam always seems to produce nice figures, the campaign is clean, and turnaround seems effecient. Alas they're on my second or even third tier of Kickstarter companies. Love to promote them, never actually pledged

    As I'm down to five active Kickstarters, nothing in the near future, and there's an ongoing plan to reduce the lead pile, I should probably review what I can afford to pledge to.
