
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, January 28, 2021

(Painting) Rocketman!

The normal non-COVID world is getting a little crazy, so I'll post what I can get, with some hope that something else can get painted from the painting queue before the end of the month.  

After painting Kim Jong-Un "appropriately," it was time to paint up a second one more befitting to his nickname, "Rocketman!" 

KJU with RPG from Brigade Games

Next Up:  More Space Dwarves, Forge Father halftracks, and a slew of individual figures. 

Project 350: Maintained identically 508 (333/175) from 508 (333/175)

I adore my project manager I set up on Google Drive, but my enthusiasm overwhelms practicality and basic reality.  Like every human, certain cues can cook the creative juices in a different direction, and a trip cleaning the painting bench can stoke the fires of a pretty cluttered painting queue.  A lot of the projects are getting completed, but we're looking at Christmas 2021 release dates to be posted.

And it doesn't help that Bernie Sanders is re-igniting my Spice Girls Espionage RPG ideas that I put on the back burner until Summer.

I already had Old Spice in the game, and Pumpkin Spice, even Turmeric!

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