
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #11 - The Leaf Rustler

24 Mai 534, The Edge of the Abaddon Forest, Outside the Village of Mere, Barony of Gulluvia
After an evening of recovery with the freed kobolds of Zoltar, the party packed up their belongings, secured the bodies of their fallen comrades Bodo Billabong and Leroy, and began the trek back to Mere. 

The rest had done the group well, but they were still without a clear path back home, noisily tramping through the woods, unaware of their own surroudings.

Until the leave-covered forest floor shook and a huge seven foot long lizard emerged from its burrow.
Hugo Swam'Pas surprised even himself with his quick reflexes, as he chucked a dagger at the giant animal.... and missed horribly.  The beast seemed to have a desire for Jenkins the caravan guard.  Somehow Jenkins was able to scramble away from the leaf pile and rolled and dodged from the lizard's blows, but ultimately, the creature bit his side so hard, pieces of chain mail broke off.

Beulah Cragmuffin had had enough and made a break for it, as did Hugo.

Slothina used her strength to pull Jenkins' body away from the lizard, and surprisingly, the animal did not pursue.

After a few hundred feet, Slothina realized she wasn't being pursued and set her fallen ally to the ground.  After a disasterous bout saving friends in the old tomb, she must have picked some healing technique, as she stabilized Jenkins enough to keep him alive... at least until they got to Mere.

Meanwhile, back at the Elle's Leaping Strong Moon,  Cosimo Guthingas silently cased the tavern, looking for the right mark to cover his expenses while he stayed in town.  With the next caravan, he was certain to join them and leave this village for good.

But the clamor outside wasn't a line of wagons laden with goods to sell.  It was eight riders, armed to the teeth, in full regalia of the Barony.

Lady D'hmis' Baronial Guard have arrived.  That was never a good thing.

Next #12: The Last Will of Hugo Swam'Pas

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