24 Mai 534, The Village of Mere, Barony of Gulluvia
Our heroes finally arrive back in town after solving the problems revolving around the Shrine of Zoltar, as well as an impromptu meeting with a giant lizard.
Upon arriving at the tavern, everyone splits up.
Halfing Beulah Cragmuffin, didn't want to drink for her fallen companions, and she certainly didn't want to go home yet, so she just took a long walk around the village proper.
Magic-User Hugo Swam'Pas headed directly to The Church. After a bit of wandering he runs an older man in monk's robes.
Hugo: "Can you write up a will for me?"
Barry the Friar: "I can write a the hymns, or a will, or a collection of poetry, if you want. Back in the war, my friend Robert liked poetry... until he died."
Mishappen monstrosity of warrior Slothina Hoppler went home, couldn't find her father, and proceeded to take a well-deserved bath.
Hugo made long, awkward conversation with Father Joseph's assistant, Acolyte Barry Manaslow. Barry had taken part in the Lizard War of 520 and seemed, at times, to suffer mentally from it.
Hugo bequeathed everything to his cousin Spencer Swam'Pas, located at the Swam'Pas Estate, halfway between Mere and the capital, Gulluvia. Hugo explained that the Swam'Pas are the latrine diggers, builders, and fillers for the Barony. They also have a side business in manure sales.
Beulah's wanderings find a drunk and despondent, Ned Hoppel, father of Slothina. Beulah escorted him home to find Slothina soaking in a tub in the middle of the living area.
Once cleaned, dried, and dressed, Slothina and Beulah heard a ruckus coming from the tavern. Getting closer, they could see the villagers circling something.
In the middle of the circle were the famed and feared Baronial Guard of Gulluvia! The six women and two men had caravan guard turned hired men-at-arms Jenkins arrested and bound, with all their dropped off possessions detained.... Possessions including the bodies of their friends Bobo Billabong and Leroy.
The party completely abandoned Jenkins at the tavern with their adventuring supplies and two dead bodies. The Beulah asked for someone to fetch Hugo from The Church, and Hugo and Barry quickly arrived. Despite Hugo's confirmation of the story, Sergeant Summers could not believe that they could be so forgetful, and certainly couldn't think of kobolds and giant lizards in the nearby woods. On Summers' order, they were arrested and their equipment seized
In the middle of the night, Barry reveals that he always had a set of keys for the makeshift jail, which is located in the basement of the Church. He unlocked the door, locked it behind him, and went upstairs for some cheese and bread from the pantry. He encountered Father Joseph, who begged him to either head back down or leave right that second. Barry decided to feed his new friends.
25 Mai 534
The following morning, Sergeant Summer pulled them upstairs and explained that there were no kobolds or giant lizards terrorizing the village. "Even if there were," she quipped, "these villagers aren't smart enough to be believed.."
As penance for spreading falsehoods and lives, they were to bury their friends in the old Church cemetery that day, and perform a half day patrol down the main road the following.
26 Mai 534
Right after breakfast, the group started their march.
Nearing mid-day, the were about to find a spot to a quick break before turning around, when a lone figure came running up over the ridge on the road and stumbled towards them. Barry held the man before he completely collapsed....
"Lizard men... Lizard men raided the estate... need help... please." the man stuttered before falling unconscious.
Hugo jumped on his Broom of the Mountain Lord and soared above the trees. Smoke was billowing out of the forest a distance away. He flew towards it, ultimately land in the green of a once, proud manor house and estate. Most buildings were engulfed in flames, bodies of humans and lizard men lay on the ground.
An older woman in a kerchief stumbled around the corner of one of the buildings. Spying Hugo, she ran to him throwing herself at his feet.
"You must help him. You must! He's gone after the rest of them into the swamp!"
"Who?" Hugo asked.
"Your father."
DM Notes: After the quick session with the giant lizard, this time I recapped things in their entirety got them to outside the tavern, and asked, "What are you guys doing?'
Immediately, the three surviving characters with players ran off to the four winds of the village, and I easily played the classic dick DM move and assumed they left the bodies of their fallen comrades with their independent man-at-arms. Hilarity, in the form of an early visit by the Baronial Guard, ensues.
Hugo's near-death experience gave him the motivation to write up a will, meet new PC Barry Manaslow, and expand on the Swam'Pas family.
The Swam'Pas family, including new will recipient cousin Spencer, is in the business of ditch digger, latrine and privy building, and hauling away such waste, a surprisingly profitable job in Gulluvia. Having never established a family home, it was easy to make the manor under attack Hugo's family manse.
After a long warm-up, a few characters have leveled, and story progresses. It may be a familiar tale, if you've read the other collected Actual Plays.
Next: #13 - The Blue Feather Raid
Our heroes finally arrive back in town after solving the problems revolving around the Shrine of Zoltar, as well as an impromptu meeting with a giant lizard.
Upon arriving at the tavern, everyone splits up.
Halfing Beulah Cragmuffin, didn't want to drink for her fallen companions, and she certainly didn't want to go home yet, so she just took a long walk around the village proper.
Magic-User Hugo Swam'Pas headed directly to The Church. After a bit of wandering he runs an older man in monk's robes.
Hugo: "Can you write up a will for me?"
Barry the Friar: "I can write a the hymns, or a will, or a collection of poetry, if you want. Back in the war, my friend Robert liked poetry... until he died."
Mishappen monstrosity of warrior Slothina Hoppler went home, couldn't find her father, and proceeded to take a well-deserved bath.
Hugo made long, awkward conversation with Father Joseph's assistant, Acolyte Barry Manaslow. Barry had taken part in the Lizard War of 520 and seemed, at times, to suffer mentally from it.
Barry Manaslow, Acolyte of The Church |
Beulah's wanderings find a drunk and despondent, Ned Hoppel, father of Slothina. Beulah escorted him home to find Slothina soaking in a tub in the middle of the living area.
Once cleaned, dried, and dressed, Slothina and Beulah heard a ruckus coming from the tavern. Getting closer, they could see the villagers circling something.
In the middle of the circle were the famed and feared Baronial Guard of Gulluvia! The six women and two men had caravan guard turned hired men-at-arms Jenkins arrested and bound, with all their dropped off possessions detained.... Possessions including the bodies of their friends Bobo Billabong and Leroy.
The party completely abandoned Jenkins at the tavern with their adventuring supplies and two dead bodies. The Beulah asked for someone to fetch Hugo from The Church, and Hugo and Barry quickly arrived. Despite Hugo's confirmation of the story, Sergeant Summers could not believe that they could be so forgetful, and certainly couldn't think of kobolds and giant lizards in the nearby woods. On Summers' order, they were arrested and their equipment seized
In the middle of the night, Barry reveals that he always had a set of keys for the makeshift jail, which is located in the basement of the Church. He unlocked the door, locked it behind him, and went upstairs for some cheese and bread from the pantry. He encountered Father Joseph, who begged him to either head back down or leave right that second. Barry decided to feed his new friends.
25 Mai 534
The following morning, Sergeant Summer pulled them upstairs and explained that there were no kobolds or giant lizards terrorizing the village. "Even if there were," she quipped, "these villagers aren't smart enough to be believed.."
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Sergeant Summer of the Baronial Guard of Gulluvia |
26 Mai 534
Right after breakfast, the group started their march.
Nearing mid-day, the were about to find a spot to a quick break before turning around, when a lone figure came running up over the ridge on the road and stumbled towards them. Barry held the man before he completely collapsed....
"Lizard men... Lizard men raided the estate... need help... please." the man stuttered before falling unconscious.
Hugo jumped on his Broom of the Mountain Lord and soared above the trees. Smoke was billowing out of the forest a distance away. He flew towards it, ultimately land in the green of a once, proud manor house and estate. Most buildings were engulfed in flames, bodies of humans and lizard men lay on the ground.
An older woman in a kerchief stumbled around the corner of one of the buildings. Spying Hugo, she ran to him throwing herself at his feet.
"You must help him. You must! He's gone after the rest of them into the swamp!"
"Who?" Hugo asked.
"Your father."
DM Notes: After the quick session with the giant lizard, this time I recapped things in their entirety got them to outside the tavern, and asked, "What are you guys doing?'
Immediately, the three surviving characters with players ran off to the four winds of the village, and I easily played the classic dick DM move and assumed they left the bodies of their fallen comrades with their independent man-at-arms. Hilarity, in the form of an early visit by the Baronial Guard, ensues.
Hugo's near-death experience gave him the motivation to write up a will, meet new PC Barry Manaslow, and expand on the Swam'Pas family.
The Swam'Pas family, including new will recipient cousin Spencer, is in the business of ditch digger, latrine and privy building, and hauling away such waste, a surprisingly profitable job in Gulluvia. Having never established a family home, it was easy to make the manor under attack Hugo's family manse.
After a long warm-up, a few characters have leveled, and story progresses. It may be a familiar tale, if you've read the other collected Actual Plays.
Next: #13 - The Blue Feather Raid
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