23 Mai 534, Village of Mere, Barony of Gulluvia
Leroy, Jenkins, and Slothina attempted to batter down the barricade, which failed, but was loud enough to alert the kobolds, who climbed atop it to investigate. Beulah and Bodo snuck around to overwhelm them, but two managed to escape down a hallway, Beulah took chase, while Bodo found a magic torch. While Beulah investigated the others came around, Leroy untying his fellow caravan guard, McGee. With no one able to heal, they laid him down to rest and followed Beulah.
Beulah lost the retreating kobolds, but discovered a niche filled section of the catacombs and a pair of red eyes.... and a torrent of rocks struck her. The rest arrived to discover a rock-spewing kobold, and a giant weasel. Death to the defenders!

Leaving the catacombs, they encountered a line of prison cells. They first ignored the animated caterwauling of the goblin in one cell, as well as an empty cell with some brackish water. The third cell held two kobolds who wanted to be freed. They ultimately released all of the creatures. The goblin, Duzin, didn't like the leader of the kobolds, Tarxex. The kobolds could not speak Gulluvian, Slothina realized the smaller of the two was the little kobold they let escape during the caravan attack.
Noises could be heard around the corner.... and smells of.... deliciousness?
The party turned the corner
DM Notes: The party managed to return from their first foray with a comfortable pile of coin, and of course, the gong Slothina donated to the church. At this point in their return trip, they got only a few minor coins from the all the kobolds they got the drop on, but they did obtain two "interesting" items: a silver dagger (always huge in Basic D&D) and a torch magically imbued to give off a soft blue light. A Continual Light Torch the module designers put in to avoid the logistics of torches, infravision, night vision, and the lot.
Next: #10 - The Monstrous One
The party, joined by Jenkins and Leroy, head back to the kobold lair, hidden inside the catacombs of Zoltar, benevolent God of Peaceful Death. They surprised some lazy kobolds on patrol outside in the woods, and with the new-found force of Leroy, Jenkins, and Slothina, battered in a reinforced guard position inside the tomb. Manuevering around the reset traps, they found nothing new in the "Junk Wall" room. Beulah snuck around to find five bored kobolds practicing their knife throwing at a tied-up human who was barely alive.
Leroy, Jenkins, and Slothina attempted to batter down the barricade, which failed, but was loud enough to alert the kobolds, who climbed atop it to investigate. Beulah and Bodo snuck around to overwhelm them, but two managed to escape down a hallway, Beulah took chase, while Bodo found a magic torch. While Beulah investigated the others came around, Leroy untying his fellow caravan guard, McGee. With no one able to heal, they laid him down to rest and followed Beulah.
Beulah lost the retreating kobolds, but discovered a niche filled section of the catacombs and a pair of red eyes.... and a torrent of rocks struck her. The rest arrived to discover a rock-spewing kobold, and a giant weasel. Death to the defenders!

Leaving the catacombs, they encountered a line of prison cells. They first ignored the animated caterwauling of the goblin in one cell, as well as an empty cell with some brackish water. The third cell held two kobolds who wanted to be freed. They ultimately released all of the creatures. The goblin, Duzin, didn't like the leader of the kobolds, Tarxex. The kobolds could not speak Gulluvian, Slothina realized the smaller of the two was the little kobold they let escape during the caravan attack.
Noises could be heard around the corner.... and smells of.... deliciousness?
The party turned the corner
Next: #10 - The Monstrous One
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