
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, April 30, 2021

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Snipers, Part 2

Painting took longer in April than it did in March, but I finally finish the final three of my Gnomish Space Marine Snipers.  

Three of the Commandos out of SCI-FI 116 Dwarf Commando Team
These three had similar quality in the detail of the first batch, especially in the faces and parts of the rifles.  While I have no plan for ordering more, I am happy to have the figures, and a chance to try new color schemes.

The first batch were painted in desert, urban, and winter camo.  I looked for less practical inspiration for the last two of this batch. 
Forest Sniper

Sniper inspired by Ultramarine scouts/snipers

Inspired by Ratling sniper paint jobs.

Next: One or two figures are almost finished and will go towards my 5 individual minis painted per month.  A pack of Gnomish Space Marine Lasguns are next on the agenda, as well as my big project for May, Blue Martians of the Holy Fern, quite acceptable for Planet 28 or Brutal Quest.  

Project 350: 498 (327/171) up from 496 (324/172). I had a lot of ambition for April, and I didn't do too poorly.  We got three wargames in, painted 15 miniatures, and ran four sessions of our Star Wars campaign.  However, with work ramping up harshly, a new hire taking up more time than I have available, and travel basketball, I'm behind on most everything else.  I haven't even gotten through the finale of Season 3 of my Pulp campaign, but I should have been prepping for Season 4.  Everything is still sitting on the dining room table, waiting for a good half-hour to making up the teams with a new characters (and a new ruleset).  

I'm also three full episodes behind on typing up the Actual Plays for the Star Wars campaign.  There's a lot of meat and little filler in our two hour episodes, and transcribing the recordings into a coherent episode has been fun, if a we bit tedious.

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