
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, April 29, 2021

(Painting) Russian Gnome Sentries from Gnome Wars

 After a pile of basketball, there's a break in the near future, which means a honeydew projects around the house.  Thank goodness I got a moment to put paint to mini and straighten up the painting bench. 

Clearing off the bench miscellany, two Russian Gnome Sentries for Gnome Wars.

Russian Gnome Sentry BG-GAWR001

I kept the basic color scheme that I've done for the handful of Russians I've painted up. I did end up using a dark turf rather than my basing mixture, static grass like before, and my first attempt at using Army Painter's Battlefield Snow.  

Next: Gnomish Space Marine Snipers (Part Two) and infamous aliens of various colors. 

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