
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

(Trogs Redux) #3 - The Tomb of Petrides

5th of HepDec, 1142 - Village of Verge, Kingdom of Marakeikos

Phinious Whistelteets, a half-elf bard of Riffilin blood, trying to live up to his merchant family standards. His charming personality was going to get him a number of enchanted and rare items in a deal with the prominent Nubian merchant in Verge. Of course, his fear of light war horses and his deadly allergy to cheese was proving problematic on this journey.
Arnold, another half-elf bard of far more considerable blandness
Froedrick Cobblepot, a Gnome Cleric of worshiping the halfing goddess Yondalla.
"Keebs," a Gnome Titan BattleMage, and frighteningly the only competent fighter in the group.
Clarkos Metropoulos - Former Baronial Guard of Vadecvinscy who wields a pole arm
Lorigaard Moosaka - Neurotic priestess of Echelon, the god of the ocean, and her pet pigeon.

With the voulge-wielding fighter from Vadevicsny and a strange cleric of Echelon, the party waded through hordes of undead in the lower levels. It had been ascertained that the zombies were all fresh, created from recent kills. Any leaders, or perhaps a necromancer to create the zombies, had escaped by other means. On a corpse that was being prepared to be turned into a zombie, they found a letter to the wizard Ligere warning of some crazed queen planning on attacking Verge....

With that disappointment, the party was surprised, as their recent kills, including an Orkin wardawg descended into the lower levels in undead form..  The party was able to defeat them, but it was assured that any evil doers got away.
Well, shoot, that guy's not in the dungeon....

Next: #4 - Ligere's Castle

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