
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, May 27, 2021

(Georic) An Overview from the Georic Gazetteer

 An Overview of Georic

A thorough review of the continent of Talaishia is incomplete without a mention of the world it resides in, as well as the prominent landmasses related to it.

*Senzar: One of three continents that are islands, Senzar is directly off the coast of western Talaishia, and thus heavily influences that part of the region.  Over the centries, the many kingdoms have merged together to form the great Senzar Empire.  A magic cataclysm during the War of the Magi with the Principalities of Emron devastated and sank a good portion of the land, but it still qualifies as a continental landmass.

*Azir: The vast Azirian landmass is definitely the largest on Georic.  It is filled with a vast trove of knowledge and culture of the Parthia, Chi'in, Hi'in and others, yet at the same time is the incubator for some of the most terrifying barbarian hordes on the planet, simply known as the Galmar.

*Afrik: The southern neighbor is separated by the Mare Med, this land is a vast array of nations, ranging from the ancient Empire of Khemmet, to Oasian Kingdoms, to Senzar colonies, to secret jungle empires with rumored untold riches. 

*Vargaard: Located far west, beyond Senzar, little is known of the continent beyond differing magick techniques, and a few Talaishian colonies on its near shore.  

*HyBrase: South of Vargaard is HyBrase a vast jungle land dominated by a vast river basin that's rumored never to end.  Legends coming from the most deranged explorers and skyship captains always refer to the "Hamaz" a race of terrifying women warriors who regularly hunt other native races and east their flesh.

*Lemuria:  What advances is magecraft can be atributed to Senzar, the distant Lemurians are rumored to be the innovators of the most devilish and ghoulish clerical magic known to mortal men... if they are mortal men to begin with.  Lemuria is the second continent surrounded by water, and the smallest, hiding in the middle of the Mare Titannica

*Nagan Wruk: This, the most distant and mysterious of the continents, this island continent holds its secrets, as even the islander of Mare Titanicus rarely venture on its shores.

A Note About the Empire of Feraso
A large number of notations and citations in this guide reference the Ferasean Empire.  This Empire has had many forms, since it's original inception over 1,100 years ago, and has influenced almost every corner of the continent.  Even to this day, there dozens of false pretenders to the throne, in addition to almost every country staking their own claim at legitimacy.  

Despite the far-off and exotic locations, the Talislantan continent and its surroundings present nearly unlimited opportunities for discovery and adventure. Certainly many dangers exist, and xenophobia is rampant amongst all races, but it has shown to be welcoming for those who are willing to make it their home.  

Customs rapidly evolve, change, and their reverse themselves within just a few miles, so it is wise to advise trustworthy travel advice before traveling.  Traveling in groups of trustworthy companions, is wise, unless such a large group attracts larger groups of brigands, hucksters, and camp followers.

Currency: Every nation mints their own coins, but they largely followed the Ferasean standard for gold coins.  This standard allows most coins to be used in other countries, although some exceptions exists.  The "Imperial Standard" in gold is worth 10 silver or 100 copper in most countries.  

Roadways: Thanks to incredible acts of public works the Ferasean Empires, Talaishia is bleessed with a wide network of roads.  Unfortunately the Successor states the fallen empire left behind have been less than stellar with even the most basic of upkeeps to the system.  Expect sudden and repetitive tolling, with no warning through most of the Ras-Prythax and other Ferasean Successors.

Modes of Conveyance: Despite the worries of road maintenance above, most roads are perfectly suitable for foot and horse travel, although many trails are simply not wide enough for other transportation.  

Seas and Waterways: The continent benefits from a vast river network and solid mercantile build-up.  Canals make further travel by boat easier than previous possibilities. 

Skyships:  The most advanced mode of transport, beyond magickal prestidigitation, is the magical dynamo powered skyship.  

Where methods of land and water travel fail, there is always the possibility of obtaining passage on a windship.  Both the magic-users of Senzar and Emron know the secrets of making these devices, which can sail through the air hundreds of feet off of the ground or barely hover off the ground.  These devices are quite prohibitively expensive.  Only the richest and most powerful indvidiuals would have access to, much less ownership of, said vessels.  The Emron-Senzar War of 1135 saw the militarizaiton of the vessels, at the cost of a devastating military budget which further caused the collapse of these two magical powers.  

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