
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, May 28, 2021

(Painting) Just a Gnoman Ballista by Brigade Games

My massive program turnover at work is still on-going and is taking up most of life right now, throw in the kid's basketball practices, a family demanding I open a pool (without assistance), and a flurry of indirect COVID cases complicating life, I haven't had much time for painting, but I have completed one piece. 

I continue to go back to my lead pile for Gnome Wars and finished just the ballista from the Gnoman Empire Ballista (currently sans crew).

From Brigade Games

I did grab the ballista crew so I could paint up four figures, with the outside motivation to eventually base everything together like a mini-diorama with removable bases.  

Of course, I've come to realize that these dudes have been part of the lead pile for nearly a decade.  I picked them up during their debut at Historicon 2011 in Valley Forge!

With all the new lead I'm adding to the pile, it's nice to remember the years that kicked the addiction back into overdrive. 

I think this ballista and crew will have a fairly basic scheme, although I'm pondering how I'm painting the normal Gnoman Infantry fitting for the protectors of Caesar's Palace in The Eleven Sand Seas of Nevaho.

Next: The Memorial Day Weekend is already turning into something crazy, so I doubt I'll get anything done for May.  I'll avoid just rambling off my normal hopes and dreams and give you a snapshot of what's lined up on my painting bench:
I figure anything with paint on it has a chance of getting ticked off the list in June.  And just in time to possibly finish off a box of Gnomish Space Marines, three more orders of various figures get put at the bottom of the to-do pile.

Project 350: 492 posts (324 drafts/168 scheduled) are hiding behind the scenes in blogger.  It's down  from 494 (327/167).  I do have a whopping FIVE Star Wars Actual Plays to write up, but it's Summertime crunchtime for getting some of my game ideas into motion (thus getting some of these drafts posted and the numbers dropped.  

In less than two months, the topics for #RPGaDay2021 will come out and I love to set up each question before starting the project.  Nothing like knocking the project into the 520 again (for at least a month.).  It's amusing that #RPGaDay and my first bout of poor health made the numbers soar, and I didn't really see any decline until I cleaned house while bed-ridden with my second hospitalization.  We're okay now.  We have to be, my blog list is almost as bed as my lead pile!

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