
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #5 - The Ul-Mor

Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission.  "Mother" to two baby space T-Rexes.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Still hurt.

The Welcome Wagon

Marooned on the moon of Dathomir,
Our heroes have barely made it 
Across the desert, searching for food,
Water, and some semblance of civilization.
After rescuing two infant reptiles from
Their nest and long-deceased mother,
Will the first intelligent life on the world
Be hostile... or just unnerving?

The group was face-to-face with some of the local lifeforms, a primitive-looking race of cephalopods riding adult versions of the baby reptiles they had inadvertently "adopted."  The three alien riders held the reins of their mounts with two tentacles and the spear with only one.

The little ones hid behind their "mother", Tarrie.

Evus was the first to connect to them linguistically, but the words were short and repetitive, hello... yes.... nope...

While it was a rough time communicating with the natives, Ne'vets was still confident he might be able to sell the baby reptiles, if they get off-planet.  With any negotiations, the babies would stay with them.

The second native rode up and dismounted, its spear in a more defensive posture, rotating between the party members

Then Tarrie held up one of the baby reptiles above his head.

The third alien in the back came up, dismounted, and walked on their tentacles, using its spear as a walking stick.  It walked before Tarrie and the baby and went prostrate in front of them...

Evus and Ne'Vets still tried to pantomime something resembling water.  The other two natives would only respond

"Not yours..... ours,"  all the while motioning at each other.

After a suitably long enough time to make things more awkward, the prostrate one rose to full height.  It was at least 50% taller than the other two.

It motioned to put the baby down... then it saw the other baby reptile hiding behind Tarrie.  Despite the language barrier, its countenance changed from solemn and respectful to wild waving of the tentacles and a rhythmic hopping that could only be explained as an expression of joy.

Tarrie motioned drinking while pointing at the babies, the aliens' response stayed the same, "Not Yours.... Ours..."

The taller native was very intent and carefully calling the babies over to them.  He showed great focus and patience, but ultimately, Tarrie simply picked them up and brought them over.  The smaller natives began giving the babies food, water, and appeared to be evaluating them, with some interspersed.... laughter?

The taller native wrapped one of its tentacle around the hand, another around a wrist, one on shoulder, and the other four for numerous areas.  "Help... Talk..."

Ne'vets could only volunteer that they wanted something similar to the Nacluv Mind Meld, and if there was a problem "Use a code word!"

Tallie could hear a voice in the back of his head.  "I think I got him, guys can you hear this?" 

Mindlink completed

"I am Khahai Long-Rider of the Ul-Mor. What is your name?"

"Where did you find the Lopers?"

"What happened to the mother?"

"We will give the babies water, but not to you."

The others heroes could just see Tarrie start a staring contest with the cephalopod.

"I will let Mak-tar take care of your babies, let's make contact with your friends before we talked further," and the alien release Tarrie from his tentacles.

Frokazza refused. 

Ne'vets gets connected, warning them not to link up with "the furry one." Evus will connect as well.

"The Infant Lopers are very recent hatchlings.  They still had their internal egg sack to feed off of. "

"The Ul-Mor do not share with those who are not members of the tribe.  If you do wish to become members of the tribe, we can conduct the ritual of adulthood.... if you agree I will let you meet our chief Ahtru."

The party agreed.

The party moves down the mountain a bit to meet up with the rest of the advance scouting party, a group of 40 Ul-Mor riding Lopers.    Khahai leads them to meet Ahtru, The Sea People's Bane.    Ahtru was welcoming enough, offering four Lopers as part of their provisional tribal status.  They were given a spot in the caravan a few paces behind the rear.

Khahai attempted to fill in the finer details of the Lopers, although the party largely ignored him.  The babies were strapped to the back of Evus and Tarrie, although each party member had the capacity to carry the infants. 

The other Ul-Mor could only stare behind them at the party and make snide comments, "Look how big they are!"  "They're going to eat everything!"  How do they even walk on two appendages?

The Ul-Mor after an hour, set up camp to rest, allowing a full day's rest for the group.  Frokazza was still very confused, without the mindlink,  but feeling much better, and had a better relationship with Evus, who was calming him.

The next two days they traveled over the mountains and reached an area of broken lands, with geysers, gas jets, and even some open lava, before reaching a very wide cavern opening... 

Next: #6 - The Caverns of Confusion

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