Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission. "Mother" to two baby reptiles, Tarr and Aye.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Healed, but
From the volcanic Burning Lands, the Ul-Mor advance scouts reached an entrance to an enormous cave.
Frokazza expressed his further displeasure with following the Ul-Mor and entering the caverns, as he had little faith in the cephalopods, but was outvoted by the rest and eventually coaxed by Evus into entering the massive tunnels.
At its smallest, the caverns were 5-10 meters wide and at least 30 meters high. Sometimes the rooms extended past the light's reach of the lanterns provided. There were many, many side passages, but the Ul-Mor ignored them, focusing on their specific Outside of small creatures skittering alongside the walls of the cavern, and small, dusty collections of bones scattered here and there, there was little activity outside the Ul-Mor caravan.
Things were safe until the second day....
The day started with a casual and laughable folly. Keeping their distance from the Ul-Mor, as requested, the party would be known to deviate slightly from the safe path of their allies ahead of them, One moment Ne'vets and Evus looked away to analyze some strange noise in the darkness, and as they turned back, Frokazza and Tarrie are gone! Lucky for them, they fell into some sort of small pit trap designed to capture the animals of the cave and not a giant Wookie. The Wookie's fall destroyed the small spikes littering the bottom. There was no damage, outside of their egos.
Upon a mid-day(?) rest, as Evus walked away to relieve himself, everyone could feel the cavern floor shaking, and parts of the ceiling collapsing!
As the dust settled, the party found themselves alive, that's to the required distancing, but also separated as the cave-in closed up a number of passageways. Unable to hear the Ul-Mor on the other side, it was decided that they would have to find another way out of the caverns.
The group spent hours upon hours navigating the caverns, discovering very little. When they did encounter noises it was nothing but trouble.
With the first such instance, they discovered a habitually bipedal rodent that dashed off into the darkness. Hearing the oncoming rush of a pack of them, they lined up left-to-right Tarrie - Evus - Frokazza -Ne'vets.
The one or two early rodents were quick to die, but as the horde pressed, Tarrie organized a defense using the doze grenades from the escape pod. The first two grenades knocked out about half of the rodents
Ne'vets immediately high-tailed it out of there. Tarrie threw his grenade and it bounced oddly, before detonating in front of his Loper and making it collapsed from its effects.
Frokazza turned around as well, and left Baby Tarr, injured and confused on the ground.
Tarrie was too busy to get out from under his Loper, grab Baby Aye and some supplies and began to run.
Evus caught sight of the forgotten infant loper and swooped over and snatched him off the ground and began to run away. Eventually, they managed to outrun the rodents.
Searching for a safe place to set camp, later that day, Ne'vets sensed something lurking in the stalactites: a Drop Bear! Making mental notes where all these exotic beasts were, he casually led the group away.
Another day of wandering netted them fire and water: A room full of lava, which they traversed without issue, and a clean water source! After resupplying, they then found an underground lake, expanding thousands of meters across.
Not confidant of their swimming ability, they decided to wander further and found a second beach on the same underground lake, and a lone Ul-Mor on it...
Next: #7 - The Banished Within the Caves
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission. "Mother" to two baby reptiles, Tarr and Aye.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Healed, but
After surviving days in the desert
Of one of Dathomir's moons,
Our heroes have encountered
A native tribe, the Ul-Mor!
After being invited to travel with them
On a provisional basis, the whole group
moves into the huge cavern complex...
From the volcanic Burning Lands, the Ul-Mor advance scouts reached an entrance to an enormous cave.
Frokazza expressed his further displeasure with following the Ul-Mor and entering the caverns, as he had little faith in the cephalopods, but was outvoted by the rest and eventually coaxed by Evus into entering the massive tunnels.
At its smallest, the caverns were 5-10 meters wide and at least 30 meters high. Sometimes the rooms extended past the light's reach of the lanterns provided. There were many, many side passages, but the Ul-Mor ignored them, focusing on their specific Outside of small creatures skittering alongside the walls of the cavern, and small, dusty collections of bones scattered here and there, there was little activity outside the Ul-Mor caravan.
Things were safe until the second day....
The day started with a casual and laughable folly. Keeping their distance from the Ul-Mor, as requested, the party would be known to deviate slightly from the safe path of their allies ahead of them, One moment Ne'vets and Evus looked away to analyze some strange noise in the darkness, and as they turned back, Frokazza and Tarrie are gone! Lucky for them, they fell into some sort of small pit trap designed to capture the animals of the cave and not a giant Wookie. The Wookie's fall destroyed the small spikes littering the bottom. There was no damage, outside of their egos.
Upon a mid-day(?) rest, as Evus walked away to relieve himself, everyone could feel the cavern floor shaking, and parts of the ceiling collapsing!
As the dust settled, the party found themselves alive, that's to the required distancing, but also separated as the cave-in closed up a number of passageways. Unable to hear the Ul-Mor on the other side, it was decided that they would have to find another way out of the caverns.
The group spent hours upon hours navigating the caverns, discovering very little. When they did encounter noises it was nothing but trouble.
With the first such instance, they discovered a habitually bipedal rodent that dashed off into the darkness. Hearing the oncoming rush of a pack of them, they lined up left-to-right Tarrie - Evus - Frokazza -Ne'vets.
The one or two early rodents were quick to die, but as the horde pressed, Tarrie organized a defense using the doze grenades from the escape pod. The first two grenades knocked out about half of the rodents

Frokazza turned around as well, and left Baby Tarr, injured and confused on the ground.
Tarrie was too busy to get out from under his Loper, grab Baby Aye and some supplies and began to run.
Evus caught sight of the forgotten infant loper and swooped over and snatched him off the ground and began to run away. Eventually, they managed to outrun the rodents.
Searching for a safe place to set camp, later that day, Ne'vets sensed something lurking in the stalactites: a Drop Bear! Making mental notes where all these exotic beasts were, he casually led the group away.
"We do need to come back to this place... and a legit buyer."
Another day of wandering netted them fire and water: A room full of lava, which they traversed without issue, and a clean water source! After resupplying, they then found an underground lake, expanding thousands of meters across.
Not confidant of their swimming ability, they decided to wander further and found a second beach on the same underground lake, and a lone Ul-Mor on it...
Next: #7 - The Banished Within the Caves
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