Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission. "Mother" to two baby reptiles, Tarr and Aye.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
After re-uniting with the Ul-Mor, it was still many days to reach the field where the Ritual of Quickdeath . The field was rather unimpressive, a mesa forming a U made for a natural arena for something to occur.
Ah'tru, the Ul-Mor Cheiftain, spoke, "It is now time for the Ritual of Adulthood. Those who succeed will become one of the Ul-Mor. Those who fail will choose a new connection to the One. Grab a spear."
And with that the chieftain revealed four short spears for the group to take.
As the four took the spears, Ah'tru quickly scampered away to a distant high ground, where the rest of the Ul-Mor sat patiently.
Khahai remained and emerged from behind a large rock with four straw dummies, best representing the four of them.
"May you fare well against the Quickdeath," and with that he mounted his Loper and rode towards the mesa."
Ne'vets thought out loud, "Did they say we could or couldn't use our personal weapons? We still have all of them."
Suddenly, a large tiger-like creature emerged from the distance with tentacles and a barb-shooting tail. It began running at an incredible rate.

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission. "Mother" to two baby reptiles, Tarr and Aye.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
Ritual of Quickdeath!
Re-united with their traveling companions,
the Ul-Mor,
Our heroes are nearing the sacred,
Valley of Heroes, where, if they succeed
in the Ritual of Quickdeath, they will
become members of the Ul-Mor tribe
But is the Quickdeath, a ritual, a creature,
or worst yet, a misnomer!
Re-united with their traveling companions,
the Ul-Mor,
Our heroes are nearing the sacred,
Valley of Heroes, where, if they succeed
in the Ritual of Quickdeath, they will
become members of the Ul-Mor tribe
But is the Quickdeath, a ritual, a creature,
or worst yet, a misnomer!
After re-uniting with the Ul-Mor, it was still many days to reach the field where the Ritual of Quickdeath . The field was rather unimpressive, a mesa forming a U made for a natural arena for something to occur.
Ah'tru, the Ul-Mor Cheiftain, spoke, "It is now time for the Ritual of Adulthood. Those who succeed will become one of the Ul-Mor. Those who fail will choose a new connection to the One. Grab a spear."
And with that the chieftain revealed four short spears for the group to take.
As the four took the spears, Ah'tru quickly scampered away to a distant high ground, where the rest of the Ul-Mor sat patiently.
Khahai remained and emerged from behind a large rock with four straw dummies, best representing the four of them.
"May you fare well against the Quickdeath," and with that he mounted his Loper and rode towards the mesa."
Ne'vets thought out loud, "Did they say we could or couldn't use our personal weapons? We still have all of them."
Suddenly, a large tiger-like creature emerged from the distance with tentacles and a barb-shooting tail. It began running at an incredible rate.
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A Volturnan Quickdeath |
Frokazza raised his bowcaster, and Evus jumped in front of him in a kneeling position. The initial bowcaster bolt struck the beast, causing it to tumble, only to regain its footing with only missing a step or two. Ne'vets shot bounced off the creature and it kept pressing.

Frokazza's second shot went high, and the bowcaster made an odd sound. The Quickdeath closed into the group. Evus could only set his spear for the charge. The beast leaped upon him, snapping the spear, but leaving Twi'lek uninjured.
Tarrie pounced upon the Quickdeath with his spear, piercing the armor plates, and with a twist of the shaft, incapacitated the creature.
With the Quickdeath already out, Ne'vets charged the body and gave it a death blow.
The Ul-Mor audience lifted their spears and tentacles in the air in celebration.
Ah'tru rode down back to the "You've done well. You are now One, for you are the Ul-Mor"
*Cue bonfires and squid-equivalent of the Ewok celebration*
In the midst of the celebration, the full Ul-Mor tribe arrived, another 300 members, including children and livestock.
Sometime in the middle of the death, Ah'tru, being full of fermented Loper milk, confides in the group.
"Now that you are members, I can send guides with you to get your closer to the Kurabanda. They are like two of you," pointing to Ne'vets and Tarrie, "but hairy like Frokazza. You are much much smarter than those foolish creatures. Who would live in houses in trees?"
"Waitaminute," exclaimed Ne'vets. "There's trees on this rock?"
"Yes, perhaps they know something else, even if they're silly creatures. The guides will escort you out of the Burning Lands and into the plains much closer to the Kurabanda."
After a full day's rest, Frokazza fixed his bowcaster, the party was stocked up with their share.
The Ul-Mor escort successfully navigated everyone out of the Burning Lands, through a tunnel, for three days. Outside of a few missed attempt at humor, only essential telepathic conversation was made.
Another issue that came up was the complete difference in the concept of time of the Ul-Mor. The journey takes a total of 20 days.
Finally, the group reached the outskirts of the plains, and with a pointing tentacle, they directed them in the right direction.
The saddest moment of the journey on this moon thus far was when Tarrie realized he needed to give up his baby Lopers. Lopers, in general, didn't deal well outside the desert and mountains, however, the escorts pledged that the creatures would always be the property of Tarrie.
No more than two minutes navigating through the two-meter tall grass, everyone noticed themselves bleeding. The grass was razor-sharp, but luckily they could be hacked down with machetes, a slow and possibly painful process.
On the second day of travel, they came upon with a completely flattened path, six meters wide, crossing theirs.
They were able to follow this path for the remainder of the day, but as dusk settled, they discovered a herd of fifteen large mammoth-like creatures. Instead of tusks, the mammals had a large piece of bone jutting from its nose. They used the bone to flatten the grass, and to the amazement of all, were consuming it.
Ne'vets was confident these were a herd of Hough'Mongos, and going around them was not an option.
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Hough'Mongos |
Realizing that they were heading in the direction away from them, the group settled for the night atop the hill they were on, and by morning the herd of Hough'Mongos was gone...
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