Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Badly Hurt
Tallie threw some more bacta into the open head wounds of the Wookie. He regained consciousness and as the rest of the team pulled as many supplies they can out of the escape, Frokazza carefully reassembled his bowcaster.
As the limited supplies of food and water were obtained, the group made some observations.
Couple days of food, a couple liters of water, a monocular, a set of insulated skin-suit overalls (which Tarrie immediately claimed), blankets, and a random hold-out blaster, plus a random assortment of survival gear.
Whatever energy source was powering the escape pod became quite volatile and dangerously spewed some hazardous looking green leakage. The computer components inside the pod that had caught fire during entry into the atmosphere, reignited and the subsequent flames expanded with the spewing liquid, and the entire pod exploded.
With any chance of even hazardous shelter gone, they trekked off in the direction of magnetic south.
First day was uneventful, except for the tremendous heat. It was decided quickly that travel needed to commence only at night, predators and rocky terrain be damned. There were enough supplies to make two of three tents to shade the sun.
The end of the second day, the heat was affecting the still hurting Wookie. Frokazza constantly saw delusions, mirages, and was completely taken aback when he saw something flying off in the distance and the others saw it too!
There was no mirage; There was a flying vehicle 20 meters up, heading from their direction. They could see a single individual piloting it and an open cargo hold in back with three individuals inside, around a device that looked like some sort of towing equipment.
Evus used an emergency flashlight to hail the craft, and the pilot turned towards them and set to hover. The party began jumping and down, waving there arms in the air, but the three humans in the back unloaded full blasters at them.
Every shot missed, although the party was forced to scatter for cover.
Tired of the shooting gallery, the flyer then swerved off to the east, the fellows in the back gesticulating wildly. Frokazza took a pot shot with his bowcaster, but it was absorbed in the craft.
On day three, with water running low, Ne'vets began collecting any of the strange plant life that was hiding within the rock crevasses. It was limited refreshment and they hoped, if things weren't poisonous, they might get some nutrition from it. At the end of the third night, trying to work down a rocky decline, everyone could hear an echoing roar and footsteps well into the distance. Finding a safe spot, they spied a hulking brute wandering the desert.... a rancor. With neither the weapons nor the manpower to escape, Ne'vets talked himself down from hunting it. Frokazza could only utter a low cry of disapproval that he had had enough of this endeavor.
At the end of night four, they finally reached some low mountains. The crevasses and canyons offered a lot more cover from the unrelenting heat. Evus found a safe spot to camp for the day, parts of which had their own natural shade, and Frokazza found a small water source to replensih.
Once settled in, Evus and Tarrie could not stop picking up a meeping sound further up the mountain. Tarrie went to investigate, finding a cave. Shining a flashlight into the darkness, he could only see a a large reptilian body, followed by a giant maw filled with razor sharp teeth rounding the corner, and a second one following it. After realizing the sharp teeth didn't follow him outside the cave, he regained his composure and went back inside. The scary heads were attached to two reptiles about a half meter high apiece. Tarrie threw a Tangler grenade at the creatures getting both wrapped up.
He dragged them down to the camp to show everyone his find, with a compliment of even louder meeping.
"I think I caught dinner," Tarrie proudly exclaimed.
A great debate rose up in the camp whether the creatures should be eaten or how bad the meat of the mother might be. Ne'vets didn't know what they were, but he knew their noise was already going to attract predators, or other adults.
"It's not Rancor money, but if we feed them, it's going to be okay."
It was agreed to keep babies, who huddled around Tarrie. The mother's meat was tested and found questionable at best. A piece of ration was broken off for each and they settled under the makeshift tents.
Nearing dusk, Evus was taking watch while Ne'vets slept beside him. Frokazza stretched out beneath most of the covers, while Tarrie was curled up in a corner with the two reptile babies snuggled up against him.
Evus slowly kicked Ne'vets and threw stones to wake up Frokazza. Both startled awake to see strange lifeforms looking down at them.
Next: #5 - The Ul-Mor!
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Badly Hurt
Caught in the midst of
an act of SPAAAACE Piracy,
Our heroes play a game of cat and mouse,
Before running into an escape pod.
Explosions or gunfire have knocked
The escape pod out of control.
Will they make it the planet's surface?
Will they survive the crash?
Will they find a way to get off-planet.?
Tarrie did as best he could, but the damaged and mostly out-of-control escape pod crashed on the surface, knocking everyone out for an indeterminate amount of time. Tarrie, Nevus, and Ne'vets all came to around the same time, promptly pulled a yet-again unconscious Frokazza out of the pod, and grabbed some quick survival supplies out before surveying the true extent of the damange.
Tallie threw some more bacta into the open head wounds of the Wookie. He regained consciousness and as the rest of the team pulled as many supplies they can out of the escape, Frokazza carefully reassembled his bowcaster.
As the limited supplies of food and water were obtained, the group made some observations.
- The land was nothing but sand and rock from every direction.
- It was already hot, and the morning had not occurred yet.
- Beyond super-arid grass, there were miniature lilypad-looking plants stuck in the crevasses of rocks
- ... and they were not on Dathomir itself, they crash-landed on one of Dathomir's moons!
Couple days of food, a couple liters of water, a monocular, a set of insulated skin-suit overalls (which Tarrie immediately claimed), blankets, and a random hold-out blaster, plus a random assortment of survival gear.
Whatever energy source was powering the escape pod became quite volatile and dangerously spewed some hazardous looking green leakage. The computer components inside the pod that had caught fire during entry into the atmosphere, reignited and the subsequent flames expanded with the spewing liquid, and the entire pod exploded.
With any chance of even hazardous shelter gone, they trekked off in the direction of magnetic south.
First day was uneventful, except for the tremendous heat. It was decided quickly that travel needed to commence only at night, predators and rocky terrain be damned. There were enough supplies to make two of three tents to shade the sun.
The end of the second day, the heat was affecting the still hurting Wookie. Frokazza constantly saw delusions, mirages, and was completely taken aback when he saw something flying off in the distance and the others saw it too!
There was no mirage; There was a flying vehicle 20 meters up, heading from their direction. They could see a single individual piloting it and an open cargo hold in back with three individuals inside, around a device that looked like some sort of towing equipment.
![]() |
This is the sedan model, the one flying on the moon is more the pickup/tow-truck version. |
Every shot missed, although the party was forced to scatter for cover.
Tired of the shooting gallery, the flyer then swerved off to the east, the fellows in the back gesticulating wildly. Frokazza took a pot shot with his bowcaster, but it was absorbed in the craft.
On day three, with water running low, Ne'vets began collecting any of the strange plant life that was hiding within the rock crevasses. It was limited refreshment and they hoped, if things weren't poisonous, they might get some nutrition from it. At the end of the third night, trying to work down a rocky decline, everyone could hear an echoing roar and footsteps well into the distance. Finding a safe spot, they spied a hulking brute wandering the desert.... a rancor. With neither the weapons nor the manpower to escape, Ne'vets talked himself down from hunting it. Frokazza could only utter a low cry of disapproval that he had had enough of this endeavor.
At the end of night four, they finally reached some low mountains. The crevasses and canyons offered a lot more cover from the unrelenting heat. Evus found a safe spot to camp for the day, parts of which had their own natural shade, and Frokazza found a small water source to replensih.
Once settled in, Evus and Tarrie could not stop picking up a meeping sound further up the mountain. Tarrie went to investigate, finding a cave. Shining a flashlight into the darkness, he could only see a a large reptilian body, followed by a giant maw filled with razor sharp teeth rounding the corner, and a second one following it. After realizing the sharp teeth didn't follow him outside the cave, he regained his composure and went back inside. The scary heads were attached to two reptiles about a half meter high apiece. Tarrie threw a Tangler grenade at the creatures getting both wrapped up.
He dragged them down to the camp to show everyone his find, with a compliment of even louder meeping.
"I think I caught dinner," Tarrie proudly exclaimed.
A great debate rose up in the camp whether the creatures should be eaten or how bad the meat of the mother might be. Ne'vets didn't know what they were, but he knew their noise was already going to attract predators, or other adults.
"It's not Rancor money, but if we feed them, it's going to be okay."
It was agreed to keep babies, who huddled around Tarrie. The mother's meat was tested and found questionable at best. A piece of ration was broken off for each and they settled under the makeshift tents.
Nearing dusk, Evus was taking watch while Ne'vets slept beside him. Frokazza stretched out beneath most of the covers, while Tarrie was curled up in a corner with the two reptile babies snuggled up against him.
Evus slowly kicked Ne'vets and threw stones to wake up Frokazza. Both startled awake to see strange lifeforms looking down at them.
Next: #5 - The Ul-Mor!
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