
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 27, 2021

(Painting) Human Mounted Wizard in 15mm by Battle Valor Games

Yes, dear readers, your eyes do not deceive you, nor am I going through another mid-life crisis.  The 15mm in the title is correct.

Human Mounted Wizard
I pledged to Battle Valor Games' 15mm Baggage Trains, Wagons, Camps, Accessories and More! Kickstarter in the spring.  Not because I wanted to expanded into 15mm, rather a formal pledge level got you access Battle Valor's entire back catalog of figures, 15 and 25mm at a substantial discount.  A perfect time for me to get more of their Space Dwarfs and venture further out with the rest of their sci-fi line.

I figured I'd pledge a decent level and kick in the rest when the pledge manager was ready.  Of course that netted me free swag as certain stretch goals were reached, hence my new collection of figures slightly smaller than usual.  

I managed to finish up the Human Mounted Wizard with only one minor problem.  I didn't have any bases to match up with Battle Valor rule set, so a large circular base it is!

And for the last few days of August, this figure is also free to all Battle Valor Games orders of $50 or more!

PROJECT 350:  The plan was to keep Project 350 on hiatus until #RPGaDay2021 was complete.  I also didn't plan on getting any painting done for August, but here we are.  With less than a week to go for #RPGaDay, I'm at 497 (314 drafts and 183 scheduled posts) from 486 (317/169) back in July. 

Next: A few more of my 15mm spoils are almost complete, as well as a trip to Transnistria

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