
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 26, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 26 - Renewing the Old Favorites

Day 26 of #RPGaDay2021 and this is actually the very last day the I completed.  The four prompts provided didn't initially inspire me to anything, but I think I'll take "RENEW" for a spin.  

As much as I've loved learning and playing new games, and as much as I have dozens of ideas in various stages of completion, there's so much I wish I could return to, as a player and as a game master.
  1. Hackmaster - The Burning Trogs Redux - The last epic (in feel, not level) fantasy campaign I've run, I constantly write about bringing the band back together after 17 years and completing some unfinished business (specifically when A1-4 went sideways). 
  2. GURPS - Humanx -  We had an awesome 5-6 session campaign, which included scenarios pulled directly from the Alien movies, and Disney's Tailspin.  I'd be happy with some more traditional scenarios, prior to the Alien scenarios.
  3. GURPS - Napalm Death - My Red Dawn/Sci-Fi Apocalyptic game where all the players were 100 point teenage avatars of themselves.  
  4. Call of Cthulhu - Masks of Nylarathotep - I did play in the early session of a Masks campaign with the infamous "Dr Bob."  We had just cleared out the Juju House and were about the venture to whatever the next step was, but we all bailed out on the session, and with every thing going on in Dr Bob's life, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
  5. Mordheim/Necromunda - Griffon Games Store League - Yes, these GW games are skirmish miniatures, but the store campaign embraced as much role-playing as possible.  The weekly newsletter set the tone (and special rules) for the next week's games, including character profiles for everyone from gang leaders to brand new replacement juvies.
  6. RISUS - Illuminati University - GURPS- IOU is one of my favorite GURPS sourcebooks.   I've run games in the setting, with some continuity, since the mid 90's.  Every year we hosted a Day of Sloth (Sunday before Labor Day) picnic, index cards full of Risus characters appeared in the last waning hour or two.  Funnel Cake Mecha, College Bro Yoda (Bro-da?), and the infamous Snake Gandhi.    Although we haven't had picnic in the last few years, I used IOU as one of the early filler games when the D&D5e game wasn't going off.  I have enough concepts hiding in my blog drafts to run a game weekly for years, and if I was smart, I'd squeeze it in during these off sessions.

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