
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 28, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 28 - Tarrie Prolak, Pilot Under Contract.

Day 28 of #RPGaDay2021.  We're almost to the end, and the weekend topic pops up "SOLO".

I could talk about Solo scenarios for both role-playing and wargaming, or I can talk about the poor man's Han Solo, the pilot of the Pretio, Tarrie Prolak.  
Tarrie's story seems like a lot of stories in the galaxy.  Born on Corellia, Tarrie enrolled at the Imperial Academy, but couldn't hack to through pilot school.  The story goes that he dropped out and left with the first person who would hire him to fly a ship, but the Imperial Academies rarely let students "drop out," so there must be something beyond that.

On his journeys, he met and befriended the Wookie,  Frokazza. This skinny, nervous Wookie, was nevertheless a brute in a fight, and a crack shot with his bowcaster, so the two became a piloting duo, Tarrie doing all the flying, and the Frokazza learning Astrogation and Gunnery along the way.  

Four, almost five, years ago, the pair made an open agreement with Exotic Animal Broker Ne'vets Aharo.  Since then, Tarrie has claimed he is "under contract" with the animal dealer, although he satisficed his obligation a long time ago, and either party could cancel the arrangement at a moment's notice.  

Being "Under Contract," Tarrie looks for validation from Aharo or the other crew before taking any action.  This attitude could be considered pragmatic, but it has resulted in enough hesitation over the years that it's put the crew in bigger danger more than once.  

The "Under Contract" Tarrie may also be a response to temper his own horrible impulses while on duty.  Off duty, Tarrie is known for his legendary stays in cantinas, drinking heavily, consuming most available drugs, questionable hook-ups with numerous species, and resulting in blackout scenarios where he's disappeared for days at times, resulting in fires, stolen speeders, and even participating in singing competitions and theatrical showings.  

More concerning than his antics are those of his family.  His older sister, Latorna Savvn (possibly adopted), is a well known pilot, demolitions expert, and within the last few years, a prominent member of the rebel resistance groups trying to overthrow the Empire and reinstall the Republic.  Tarrie's last encounter with his sister was just prior to a terrorist attack she executed on the planet Botajef.

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