
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 29, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 29 - Spice Girls the RPG, Using Top Secret

Day 29 of #RPGaDay2021 and they finally drop "SYSTEM" on us... on a single word weekend no less?

 Like a bad clickbait website, let's list all the options that 8 years of #RPGaDay has given us.

Favorite Game System:  AD&D 2nd Edition still get the nod, although Call of Cthulhu is closing in.
Favorite System I Never Get to Play:  Still goes to Talislanta, although it's been awhile since I played Call of Cthulhu.
Favorite System I Stopped Playing:  The list grows longer as the years pass, but GURPS still tops it.

With that out of the way, let's talk  obscure games and the Spice Girls.

Ever since we started singing "Wannabe" as a gag at Karaoke back in college, the Spice Girls have taken over a disturbed part of my soul.  I've managed to include them in some of one-off online games, involving  Kim Cattrall, and formerly introducing Pumpkin Spice into the fold.

I've used Risus, and would be happy to do so again, if the time and mood struck me.  

However, I have a bit of a death wish.  I'd like to set up the Spice Girls RPG along the guidelines of the oldest System I still own - The original Top Secret. 
This might be the level of crunch to kill the concept, but I own the boxed set, and I think it would make a great project for me to set up and run with the guys, possibly face-to-face when that is feasible.  I daresay, once the characters and backgrounds are generated, this might be my new, definitely "weird" convention game.  

Stay Tuned!

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