
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 30, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 30 - Two Quick Mentions

The Penultimate Day of #RPGaDay2021 is upon us!

The single word of the day is "Mention" and this brings up to recent mentions.

One: The admission from Jim (Tarrie in my Star Wars d6 campaign) that our Monday night group was his first ever attempt at role-playing.  He's been a hardcore wargaming (historical, sci-fi, and fantasy, the whole gamut) for a long time, but he answered my call for fresh blood awhile back and has done admirably, even if Tarrie vacillates  between doing nothing, being impulsive, or just breaking out into show tunes.

Two: Another player in the Star Wars d6 group, Hoyce, made a game time decision not to attend a session early this month, due to a migraine. I have no issue with the absence, especially for the reason given, but the giving a vague recap after the session seemed appropriate:

No worries sir, feel better and next week you can deal with the fallout of Steve not being able to make that session…. Plus the repercussions of two imperial boarding parties, Tarrie sleeping with the client's wife, and a possible point blank gunfight with a local crime boss in a confined space.

You know, a normal session. dead to

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