
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 31 - Thanks All Around

The final day of #RPGaDay2021 is upon us, and it's not a stretch to believe that the last word would be "THANK."

So let's thank my current gaming group.  

To Steve, my old college roommate. He's the guy in the group who intentionally plays "fun" disruptive characters.  Echellon, the priest of the "Oriental" god of the sea (and pigeon fancier) and Fonzie Schlepprock (a chronic liar Gnome Titan in Hackmaster that successfully kept the ruse that he was a famous general... at least to the human communities) were my favorites.  With online gaming, his characters started serious (a dragonborn priest or paladin whose only schtick was throat singing for his prayers), but as much as I think his initial concept of his Star Wars character was frivolous, things have gotten dark over the weeks of #RPGaDay2021.   Not Dark Side Point worthy, just cutthroat business dark that I don't usually see from him.  His one legendary character away from my table was  Benverho, an "asshole wizard" in a different college group.  Thanks for making  Ne'vets Aharo in Star Wars  the "bad" version of Benverho, and making my scheduled turns in the campaign direction even more delectable. 

To Jim, the "Gnome King" himself.  Thanks for heeding the call when I reached out for new players for Monday night, even though you had never actually role-played before!  Tarrie Prolek is the perfect starter character, always referring to the boss cause he's "under contract", even if he isn't.   Your musical numbers are far superior to anything else in Star Wars since Max Reebo in 1983. 

To Sean, the brother of Steve's best friend.  You got lured into playing by your brother, and even with most of the original group gone, thankfully you've stuck it out.  We give both you and your Wookie, Frokazza, a hard time because you're part of the group, and thankfully, you know that.  Congrats on the new job!

To Hoyce, another college buddy. Prior to online gaming we've rarely had the chance to game together over the 15 years.  Thanks for actually missing the online Day of Sloth IOU game, but expressing enough interest and availability to join the Star Wars game full-time.  I don't know how the partied survived before your character arrived.  Seriously, statistically-speaking they should have all been dead weeks before.  I'm far too lenient as a GM.

To Maja, my daughter.  Thanks for bailing us out when we needed an extra player to push through the "Bo'Non'as and Oopsa" side campaign.  With such crazy schedules that we barely get time to game at home, it was nice to play something, even if you were still in your bedroom down the hall. 

To Chris, one of the original guys well before me in the Monday night session.  I barely knew you dude, but thanks for the memories.

To Jeff, the Godfather of the Monday night game, and original DM of the 5e game.  Thanks for getting this thing going, and thanks for all the hours you poured into the game.  Andaras was quirky enough to keep us permanently on our toes, and we left so many storylines wide open.  We're going to have to return, whenever you get your stuff screwing up Monday nights squared away.   It's your group.  I'll keep them coming until your ready, even if you have a few new players by that point. 
To Balls, another college buddy that, like Steve, I've been able to play with pretty consistently over the years.   Thanks for letting it slide that this little online shin-ding was occurring, thus securing that I"m never productive at home on a Monday night.   Like Jeff, your spot at the table, real and virtual, is always guaranteed.

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