
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, September 24, 2021

(Painting) Hellian Hell Hound by Battle Valor Games

As I finish up painting for my (Oct-Sep) gaming year, I end the year painting something I would have never predicted a year ago: 15mm Hell Hounds.

Hellian Hell Hounds in 15mm from Battle Valor Games
These guys were freebies tossed into Battle Valor's latest Kickstarter, and even though I pledged simply to get heavy discounts on existing 25mm product, I can't give up the opportunity to experiment with some painting outside my comfort zone. 

I looked into making a lava-esque base, and found this Youtube video from Ministry of Warhammer.  One problem, I don't own a bottle of Citadel Mordant Earth, and don't plan on doing much lava work to invest in one.  Solution?  Following the color layering process, apply the wood glue, slap some black over that, and finally, fiddle around with an X-acto knife to create the cracks.  If I was buying a full set of these, I either (a) would have a lot of practice to master a semi-random pattern for the lava or (b) but the damn Mordant Earth. For now, these figures have a bit of my blood from mishandling the fresh blade. 

I was going to say that completes my 15mm experiment, but there is a lone Rhinocean laying about that I got from a previous order.  Nothing is ever quite finished around here.

Project 350:  September keeps the project of fewer post in the pipeline moving right along.  A drop to 477 (313/164) from 480 (316/164). 

Next: I'm back visiting Indianapolis next week to close out September, so the only pics that should be posting are my annual compilation.  From there,  I have paint on Macrocosm Space Dwarves, for a change, as well as more OGRE minis....

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