
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Uniform Colors of the Gnomish Space Marines

Gnomish Space Marines
There are no "Official" or consistent colors to the uniform of the Gnomish Space.  Historically, many units use red or green armor, with a variety colors and styles for backpacks, belts, and other gear.  

Helmets are one piece of equipment that even the furthest colonial outposts keep consistent. The dominant color of the helmet or other headgear determines their designation within the Marines.
Yellow - Command or Commando
White - Medic Corps
Green - Scouts
L to R (Command, Command, Medic, Scout)
Blue - Support Weapons (Up to and including Mortars)
Red - Infantry 
Grey - Transportation
Orange - Engineers
Black - Special Operations

The Central Rib
Any central rib or regalia on the helmet is painted the same color for the platoon the Marine is attached to.  These colors may vary wildly due to transfers, general wear and tear, and operational necessities. 

1st/Command Group - Red
2nd - Yellow/Gold
3rd - Black
4th - Maroon

Visors are an optional piece of equipment on GSM helmets.  Due to the lesser demand for this particular piece of equipment, color schemes within an organization are usually consistent.  General issued equipment is usually White, Black, or Light Blue.  Customization, however, is quite easy to facilitate, so a full range of colors and effects are available, including sparkles, metallics, mirror shades, and multicolor effects (rainbows, oil spills, even plaids are possible among the more talented and deranged folk.

Colonial/Planetary Police
Local law enforcement in the systems is independent of the military, however, it has benefitted greatly from years of cheaply purchased/donated GSM/Planetary Defense Force surplus equipment and vehicles.   

These forces tend to have very dull palettes for clothing and armor, with garish secondary colors to denote their law enforcement status.  Most weapons and non-cloth equipment is sprayed with a base primer color to keep uniformity despite the many sources of equipment.  

The Chimneysweeps are quite dull, the the exception of the bright orange hat and clothing, as well as the red metallic sparkling helmet visors and regalia. 

Pirates, Mercs, and Space Adventurers
Non-aligned gnomes arm and dress themselves to their own whims.  It is likely that any of these individuals with prior GSM experience may display their old uniform/colors in their civilian gear. 

Sentinels of the Inquisition
More to Come....

Blackguard Commandos
More to Come...

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