
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, September 4, 2023

🕺 Day of Sloth +1 and Other Wild Shenanigans

From the moment we moved in together, extending almost a decade, my (then) wife and I hosted our Day of Sloth picnic.  Always the day before Labor (hence the name), it was the forced mashing together of our families, friends, and ultimately children.  

Amongst the plethora of food and activities was the annual Illuminati University (IOU) game.  After all the mundanes were gones, my friends would pile up one last wave of food before clean-up, and we'd head out the firepit with index cards and d6's for a game a Risus using recurring characters.

Many games were pre-blog, and the best example of a classic game of chaos was The Heresy of the Diminutive Pope

Even those the galas dried up from families with kids plus a lack of other attendees, there was always hope that a full-length IOU game could one day transpire... and the inspiration for it would be... Planet Mirrorball!

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A full length feature film that was inspired by the fantasy films of the 70's: Xanadu, Logan's Run, Flash Gordon, Heavy Metal and Tron

I only had a handful of notes on this placeholder blog post. The true plot, like in the movie, is inconsequential: 
  • Funk Pirates 
  • Neon Robots
  • Roller Skating Disco Warriors (Roller Derby)
... and the all important question, "Do we include Butch Patrick (Eddie Munster)  Abe Vigoda?

We're overdue for a normal-sized Risus-IOU game during Monday nights. I might integrate some of those elements into that session.  Heck, I should put them all in the current Gamma World game.

Even without the formal Day of Sloth, there was still picnicking and grilling to be had.   My sister and her husband finally had their housewarming/10th wedding anniversary/her husband's 50th birthday party in their cozy backyard in the Manayunk section of Philly.  I correctly assume it was going to be an adult-soiree (and correct I was), so I went down solo.    They're one air conditioner short of having an attic gaming room to die for (complete with a double-turn murder staircase).   While there were some co-workers and neighbors, most of the cool folks I had last talked the wedding reception a decade earlier!  Still, with me in charge of a large vegetarian-focused grilled menu, there were plenty of Shadowrun, boardgames, Star Wars, and well-animated and completely odd encounter with Tony Shaloub. 

My weekend actually started with a Magic: Wilds of Eldraine Pre-Release Event at Sword in the Stone Games.  I enjoyed the fairy-tale theme of Throne of Eldraine, and when you pull this as your promo card:

#5 on my favorite card of the night list.
You can't help but smile.  

My experience in the pre-constructed/limited format is very dated.  Heck, it was dated the last time I participated in a prerelease set, 8 years, three store names, four store locations, and thousands of Magic card ago. 

My red/blue deck didn't fare as well as I hope, going a whopping 1-5-1, but my complimentary Set Booster I got was chock full of fun, and the commons may fill some gaps I have in my red/blue Papuer deck.

Waitaminute, Papuer?  ViscountEric's playing magic?   We'll discuss that later this week...   I have child Uber duties this morning,  yard work for my Mom this Labor Day, before we have Episode 33 of the Gamma World campaign tonight (Episode #0  drops Tuesday, October 3rd, right here!)

But as I review the last pre-release I attended, I will post my top 5 cards that I got (Syr Ginger is #5)

#4 - Johann, Apprentice Sorcerer 
I missed one or two opportunities to use the abilities properly, but it was a game-changer when he was out. 
#3 - Up the Beanstalk
I avoid newer stuff in most formats, win, lose, or draw, but this one at least goes into the evolving Treefolk Commander theme that's nowhere done.  

#2 - Water Wings
I pulled two from my pre-release kit packs and they showed up in every game, bailing me out. 

#1 Snaremaster Sprite
A modern-day Flying Man with added bonuses after the first few round.  I pulled two of these guys, and with a little help from Water Wings, forced my opponent to make a lot of hasty early-game decisions that I simply could not take full advantage of.    #1,2, and 3 all have a utility slot reserved for them in decks.  

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