
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, October 4, 2021

(Gnome Wars) Run While the Inn is Closed

Let's kick off my personal year of gaming with some quick, much needed Gnome Wars!  

During the Thirty Beers War, especially the late era of the Meatball Intervention, the numerous armies were weakened from years of brutal fighting.  At its worst, only small warbands roved the countryside, in search of food, bier, and for many, just trouble.  

In certain regions, the Germanian Guard would round up any suspicious gnome who looked like they were not from the region.  They were usually right, as small guerilla bands were infiltrating the countryside.  These bands' only salvation was the Imperial Edict that Inns and Taverns were safe havens for all, doubly so after dark, so long as the entrances were secured.

With Germanian pursuers in all directions, this ragtag band of Free Bier Leaguers had just crossed the river and were near a local pub. 

The Roadside Inn is within distance.  The front building is ruled to have an entrance on each of its four sides.
Unfortunately, a squad of Germanian Regulars were also heading into town, so time was of the essence to rush to the inn, get inside (by force is necessary), and re-secure the door to shelter as many of their comrades as.  
Germanian Regulars

The Free Bier Leaguers
Turn One:  The the lightly armed Free Leaguers, time was critical, so most ran to the Inn.  The few riflemen's shots missed wildly.  
Most of the Germanians stayed off the road, letting a handful of their crack marksmen to fire at the Free Bier League, killing two of their rifles.  

There is certainly a problem.
To make matter much, worse, three of Major Pfiffle's Germanian Lancers had heard the disturbance and had come to investigate.
The Free Leaguers clamored toward the far (and safe) side of inn, readying their picks and axes to knock down the door by any means necessary. 
The Germanian Rifles managed to take out two Leaguers trying desperately to reach the front door. 
As Piers the miner beat in the side door with his axe, a flagon of bier stuck him in the head, and Catharina the barmaid blocked the doorway with menace in her eyes. 
"Zee Inn iz Clozed!"
The last remaining Free League rifleman took down one of the rabbit cavalry, only to be taken out my a Germanian rifle before he reached the door.  
With Catharina blockng the door, only two of the Free Leaguers managed to squeeze past her while she was distracted by another gnome.  
As the Germanians rounded the back, the far side door was bolstered and fortified, with two new overnight tenants.  Two survivors was not much, but far better than other groups that had been eluding the Guard.

This was a quick scenario using Alternative Armies' scenario "Run While the Pub is Closed."  I thoroughly enjoyed the concept (including the random appearance of the cavalry, and the Biermaid Guard, both of whom occurred at the worst popular times possible.

...and any excuse to break out my personal gnomish history justify a  scenario is a hoot!

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