
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

(Star Wars d6) #22 - Alcazaar 5 - Assault on the Strell Compound

Our "Heroes"

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise.  Teaming up with ally and friendly rival Abel Norrum for some exploration of the planet Alacazaar.
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a keen eye and a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" for the upcoming mission, whatever that is.  Brother of potential terrorist, rebel  Latorna Savvn.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.

After touring the planet Alacazzar, 
Our heroes engage with unwanted elements 
of the Strell Corporation, and 
Assemble a plan to forcibly remove them from the planet
With the Yazirian pilot, Yast, and Tarrie Pollack 
Already engaging the plan in The Big Game,
the ground forces are impeded by an ambush
of a mysterious group of Ringu-Ga!

As The Big Game successfully strafed the Strell Corporation Compound, drawing the the two planetary fighters off base, the two explorer ATVs should have been in position to take out the guard towers, and cause significant damage to to remove this squatter corporation from the planet.  

Unfortunately, both ATVs were now suspended by vines ten feet off the ground, and surrounded by hundreds of humanoid creatures that Ne'vets gleefully described at Ringu-Ga!

"I wonder how many of these I can sell?  Maybe I can teach them to drive."

Despite his plans, Ne'vets told the rest of the group to surrender, ATV doors open and hands up.  

The Ringu-Ga looked cautious at the heroes as they descended from their elevated vehicles, but with a combination of short phrases and sign language, any hostility was abated.

The Ring-Ga called themselves the Lokukku, a stealthy terrestrial race that lived in barricaded hollowed-out trunks of the giant trees.  The humans construction had brought destruction to their lands and death to members of the tribe.  They were surprisingly willing to assist with the assault, so long as some of their brethren inside the complex were freed, and the heroes' masters left the Lokukku alone.  

Once they moved near their attack position, the Lokukku pulled Evus and Ne'vets from the ATVs, with the express concern that they infiltrate through a secret tunnel the Lokukku knew about.

Meanwhile, the intentionally slow-speed chase between The Big Game and the planetary fighters expanded from its originally intended range.  The planetary fighter could not penetrate the The Big Game's armor, much less the applied shields.  Tarrie was plagued by the high maneuverability of the fighters evading all of his shot, save one.

As the Lokkuka charged the fence, both ATVs opened fire on the southeast turret.  Despite the fortified concrete, the blaster fire was beginning to compromise the defenses.  

Frokazza could feel the excess heat from the multiple power cells in the turret.  

The guard towers returned fire, hitting Abel's ATV2, damaging the front wheels.

The Lokkuku stormed the fence and knocked down a portion of the fence, although the electrification did cause some casualties. 

Evus, Ne'vets, and the Lokkuku scouts finally pop out from their secret mission, infiltrating the compound through a drainage tunnel.  They popped off the surface grate and found themselves up against the main building. 

Caught the attention of the other guards-  Ne'vets pushes Evus out of the way from rain of gunfire from the other guard towers.  

Frokazza turned his attention to the fence, and "deactivated" the electricfrication, allowing the Lokkuka to finally pour over and assault the guard towers.   The return fire from the tower was fierce but simply ricocheted off the armor of the vehicles. 

Just then, The Big Game returned, the planetary fighters out of the pictures.  It strafed the two near towers, sending smoke and debris everywhere, until it flew over to the landing pad near the hanger.

Ne'vets, Evus, and Lokkuku scouted the outbuildings, Evus shooting off the head of the initial lone guard with the misfortune of meeting them.  Working towards the entrance of the main building, they realized they had picked up a following of the guards, armor barely strapped on, pitted helmets balancing precariously on their heads.  The scouts had barely enough time to growl, when the guards were all shot in the back, by one Abel Norrum.  

"Sorry Mates, the ATVs have things well in hand.  I figured it better if I followed you blokes."

"You're welcome."

The ATVs did have the initial assault well in hand.  The Lokkuku stormed the one tower and once those guns were silenced, Frokazza finally knocked out the other one, and egged Sarge to move onto the premises

As The Big Game completed its landing, Tarrie poured on the firepower against the main building of base.

As the scouting party entered the main building, chaos reigned supreme.  The Strell Guards were in complete disarry, most simple trying to run away before getting gunned down by the heroes or run down by the angry Ringu-Ga

Finding a set of double blast doors, Ne'vets spent considerable time working on opening them.  Abel walked over and asked, "Have you tried the code?" 

"Do you have the code?" Ne'vets inquired.

"Count to three... and run," and with that a thermal detonator was affixed to the door.  Many ran for cover. 


When the smoke cleared, the extra generators and consoles were turned into wreckage.  

The door to door sweep was enough to send many of the Strell troopers to early retirement.

Some Strell were captured, some killed, many others willingly surrendered, and some simply ran away.  It made sense that some would not surrender, they had set up the policies regarding the enslavement and mistreatment of the Lokukku in setting up/working mines.  When the Lokukku finally found their capture brethren, their care-free attitude changed to dark and woe be to any Strell employees who hadn't escaped or were already in the custody of the crews. 

With the matter well in hand, the crews caught up with one another, a small victory celebration with the Lokukku, then the ATVs were better loaded onto the ship, and The Big Game flew out of the atmosphere to transmit news back to the Lisani Corporation. Within a week, Lisani's private security forces would land upon Alcazaar, mop up any survivors, and assume mining operations.  

Lisani Corporate Security Forces Land on Alcazaar

Next:  There are certainly more adventures of Ne'vets and his motley crew, but for now we're taking a sidetrek back to Fantasy RPGs for a few weeks to cover a Hackmaster campaign circa 2007-ish, The Burning Trog Redux.  We'll return to the regular campaign storyline sometime after the holidays.

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