
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

(Trogs Redux) #6 Rumors and The Near Innuendo

The "heroes" of Verge:

Phinious Whistelteets, a half-elf bard of Riffilin blood, trying to live up to his merchant family standards. His charming personality was going to get him a number of enchanted and rare items in a deal with the prominent Nubian merchant in Verge. Of course, his fear of light war horses and his deadly allergy to cheese was proving problematic on this journey.
Arnold, another half-elf bard of far more considerable blandness
Froedrick Cobblepot, a Gnome Cleric of worshiping the halfing goddess Yondalla.
"Keebs," a Gnome Titan BattleMage, and frighteningly the only competent fighter in the group.
17th of HexDec, 1142 - Village of Verge, Kingdom of Marakeikos
Great celebrations took place in Verge once word of the party's attack on Illyan's Keep (now referred to as the Citadel of the Cult of Janus) was confirmed, but there were already fractures in the group.  Clarkos was first to leave, taking his share and heading back to Vadevincsy.  Lorigaard tried to work with the group a few days more, but left one morning for Danaan before the others woke up after a night of hard partying.  

22nd of HepDec, 1142 - Village of Verge, Kingdom of Marakeikos 
In the downtime between adventures, a wealth of rumors and knowledge came up will staying at The Burning Ox Inn (The inn owned by the halfling “Mayor” Sam the Wise):
  1. Piotr Suikyn, brother of a wealthy horse merchant, is looking for guards for a horse caravan near Celsior.
  2. Caravan jobs to Sulescu. Most traffic leaves either south or north, so the Pcs would have to walk back to Verge (or anywhere else).
  3. Caravan duty into Argivia is becoming more and more difficult as Barthey refugees turn to crime and violence to survive. Good coin can be earned, though…
  4. Of course, better, nay, phenomenal coin can be earned by those courageous enough to venture through Barthey and into Parthia, whose lands are in the control of the Master. Soon can become instantly wealthy with just one trip. Others simply die a horrible death.
Interesting goings on in Marakeikos:
  1. Mirros, the capital city is rife with adventuring possibilities. The largest city in the Kingdom is a major port and full of colorful characters.
  2. Celsior: The keystone of the kingdom, Celsior has less adventures within its walls and more possibilities for business contact.
  3. Califon (and the western frontier) The Queens opening of the orcish frontier to homesteaders has brought in an up swell of people into the area, good and bad. 
  4. Vadevincsny: agents from Vlachia are rumored to be crossing the border and laying the seeds of dissent. Good thing the Baroness has returned from the Crusade against the Master! Too bad she didn’t kill the Master!
A regular night at the Burning Ox
Possible leads from the Burning Trogs, the famed adventuring company headquartered in Verge:
  1. The old fort west of town, now named the Citadel of the Cult of Janus,  has been cleared out, but the most renowned castle in the area is Cloudland, located southwest of the Verge. Rumored to originally be a citadel for the Ancient Ferasean Empire, over the last few hundred years, it’s also rumored to have housed goblins, frost giants, gnomes, dwarves, evil warlocks, and it’s most recent occupants a group of heavily organized grunge elves. Long before the Trogs settled their organization in Verge, they cleared out the castle and the first few levels of the dungeons below. Stories the Trogs tell vary, but it appears that the damage from the foray was harsh, losing a large number of allies, and forcing Mutumbo and Nina (the owners of the current trading post) to return early. The queen’s military advisors recommend seizing the castle to make a much needed fort along the southern border, but they have neither the plan nor the manpower to do so. The group that takes the castle could very well sell it to the kingdom and be set for life. Continual surveillance of the area indicates the grunge elves still operate as they did 10 years ago, with small but well trained forces manning the castle’s towers. 
  2. Just for all to know, leads to the appearance of Janus are few if not completely non-existant
  3. Military couriers from the Gnomish City-States arrived to the Trog’s HQ with a package. Head Trogs are quiet on the contents, but rumors within the underlings say it was probably for Zorin Redrock, the greatest Trog warrior, who is still fighting in Yarbay against the Master. Zorin spent a few years with the Gnomish City-States Navy, trying to find those pirates/slavers who dishonored the Trogs over eight years ago. Revenge may be soon coming if the package is of any great import.
And with all that data, the party hired on as caravan guards into Argivia and Barthey.

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