Phinious Whistelteets, a half-elf bard of Riffilin blood, trying to live up to his merchant family standards. His charming personality was going to get him a number of enchanted and rare items in a deal with the prominent Nubian merchant in Verge. Of course, his fear of light war horses and his deadly allergy to cheese was proving problematic on this journey.
Arnold, another half-elf bard of far more considerable blandness
Froedrick Cobblepot, a Gnome Cleric of worshiping the halfing goddess Yondalla.
"Keebs," a Gnome Titan BattleMage, and frighteningly the only competent fighter in the group.
20th of HexDec, 1142 - Village of Verge, Kingdom of Marakeikos
Our "heroes" returned to Verge from their caravan duty with a minimum of fanfare. Something happened on their journey, that much was obvious. The party came back sporting some new equipment, courtesy of the legendary Gnome Titan House Emerald:
Phinious - a magic shortsword
Froedrick - magical chain mail that fit a gnome (!) and an enchanted footman's mace.
Arnold - a magic shortsword
Keebs - an enchanted dagger and a ring of defense
27th of HexDec, 1142 - Village of Verge, Kingdom of Marakeikos
Within the week, details of the caravan job emerged from the drunken party members' lips each night.
The caravan was basically a wagon driven by a lone kobold going to dwarven settlements in Argivia. Allegedly, the group (almost) peacefully subdued a riot of refugees coming from Barthey, and defeated a pack of orcs who tried to ambush them. It had been a set-up arranged by the kobold, so the group decided to hunt the creature down to the ends of the Georic.
Searching for the treacherous kobold, they came upon an abandoned manor for House Smaragdi (Emerald) gnomes. House Smaragdi's Gnome Titans were the finest warriors of the ancient lands, defending the Argivians against the hordes from Parthia (and Yarbay). It was the climatic battle of that war that produced the fabled Fromm Tyre swords, the ultimate gnomish weapons.
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Something like this may happened to House Emerald. The stories were varied, yet quite sketchy. |
In their time searching the manor, none those swords were to found inside, but the group did find many documents relating to House, and (at Keeb's insistence), sent them by courier to House Emerald in the Gnomish City-States. Rewards were obtained, curses were lifted from the manor, and Froedrich threw in the towel, claiming his adventuring was driving him slowly mad.
He kept the armor and mace on sheer principle.
GM Notes: I had absolutely no data on this adventure when I initially compiled this Actual Play. I had copied some data over to a Blogger Page Draft some time later, and when I read it, I uncovered exactly the data you see above.
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