
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

(Star Wars d6) Bo'non'as and Oopsa #5 - Bees Can't Swim!


After defeating the dreaded Space God of Lightning
And returning the splinter Red Tribe to
The home of the Yellowbacks,
Three of the greatest Kurabanda ever,
The ex-Warlord Bo'Non'As
The wise Oop'sa,
And Uha'ul, wielder of the Ladle of God-Slayubbg
Have joined forces to head south and
Confront the Space God who has taken
Residence there.

But there is much to be concerned about!
The Space God is rumored to have 
Vast control over ghosts and the dead
And no one has travelled beyond 
The Great Stream has ever returned....

The legends of the Yellowback tribe worked through the network of platforms in the forest canopy as far as they could.  When they reached the end of the platforms, they walked the forest floor until they reached the Great Stream representing the tribe's southernmost border.

Bo'Non'as, ex-warlord of the Kurabanda, tried to stare at the ground for any clues.  When he failed to find anything, he dispensed his wisdom, "Let's go until dark, then we'll climb a tree to sleep."

Uha'ul, the recent wielder of the Ladle of God-Slaying, was more worried about crossing the stream, especially with memories of ghosts in the last encounter with this tribe.

Oopsa tried his best to raise spirts, by making them sing childhood songs to bide the time.  The element of surprise was triumphantly lost.

Dedicated to song, only Oopsa felt an odd needle-like stinger strike his neck.  

Pulling the needle out, Oopsa threw it back into the woods in a random direction.  This confused his compatriots.

"Owwww..... big bees around here!" Oopsa declared.  "Are you guys getting stung."

"No," Uha'ul responded, "The Forest loves us."

Another volley of these needles was let loose, as the other two felt pain in their necks.  

Bo'Non'as pulled out his needle, but Uha'ul slapped the area, driving the needle halfway into his hand!

Uha'ul became immediately lethargic and started staggering about.  

Seeing others succumbing to the assault, Oopsa let out a terrified, "BEEEEES!!!!" and began running through the forest.

Staring at the needle in his hand, Bo'Non'as tried to correct him, "It's not bees!" but Oopsa was already gone.

The lethargic Uha'ul found the shortest tree, pulled out his hammock from his satchel, and set it up to take a nap.

Bo'Non'as was beside himself, "It is not dark, don't sleep. Come here and look at this needle!"

"But I'm veeeerrrry tired."  

Oopsa just happened to dash through the bushes holding scouts for the green tribe, wielding their blowguns.  The Kurabanda took pursuit, even though Oopsa had no idea they were following him. 

Those remaining at the "Bee Site" could only here a mixture of Kurabanda war cries and Oopsa still shrieking "BEEEEEES!"

Once Oopsa realized he was being followed, and still believing bees were in fast pursuit, he managed to converse with them about the impending bee invasion.  

"Save yourselves, come with me!"

It seemed sufficient for the Green Kurabanda that the insects were coming, even if their blowguns caused the initial panic.

Uha'ul climbed down from his tree to hide, but his lack of motivation was so bad, he hid behind a small rock jutting out of the ground only a few inches and immediately fell asleep

Oopsa led the other two Kurabanda back to the original site.  "Let's head to the Great Stream, bees can't swim!"  Oopsa spied the body of Uha'ul laying in the middle of the path.  The Great Advisor scooped up his comatose friend and continued on to the stream....

"Come on little buddy, I got you!"

The two green tribesman burst out of the underbrush, ignored Bo'Non'as and continued on.  Bo'Non'as realized Uha'ul was missing, but his spear was still laying in the ground.  He grabbed the spear and headed towards the stream.  

Everyone hit the stream and swam across in a panic.  The water helped revive and re-energize Uha'ul, and he actually saved Oopsa from drowning. Unfortunately, the one green tribesman lost control and was swept away.  

A clear-minded Uha'ul looked around, "Whose that guy?" he asked, pointing at the new Kurabanda. 

"He's the start of the new army I'm forming," Oopsa  replied.

"Hey!" Bo'Non'as, still on the opposite side of the stream, bellowed.

"Hey, the bees didn't get you, Bo'Non'as!"

"They're not bees!" Bo'Non'as fired back.  

"Probably Death Wasps," Uha'ul interjected. 

"There are Death Wasps in this area," the new Kurabanda added to the conversation.  "And they ruined a perfectly good ambush we had set for you!"

Oopsa was flummoxed, "Why would you want to ambush us?"

"That's what the God of the Underworld wants, you have to be dead to enter the village."

"Waitaminute, as you dead?"

"I think so..."

"Well, you look fantastic for being dead."

"Thanks, but how am I getting home if there are death wasps.  I don't want to die again.  I don't know how that works."

Oopsa offered, "We’ll take you back."

"That might nice of you guys, the God of the Underworld is a very forgiving god, once he kills you."

The walk back to the green tribe's village was full of questions and conversation, of plantains, of killer insects, of cooking implements.  

Tuo'mor, the Kurabanda from the green tribe, was enamored with the the Ladle of God-Slaying!

"How do you have one of the Implemets of Ko’o’king?"

"It's a long story," and he proceeded to tell the tale of the Lightning God in all its boring details.

Tu’omor would stop from time to time, to check for traps.  No one was sure if they were built by the green tribe, or imaginary, as he couldn't seem to find anything.  

Nearing his village, Tu'omer checked some underbrush and let out a sigh a relief
He took three steps forward and was enveloped in an explosion. 

When the dust settled, the Kurabanda was inside a glowing, pulsating net.  


"Is the magic net the work of your god?"  Uha'ul asked?  

"No, and it tickles in an unfunny way.  This is evil, I’m hugging myself… and I hate hugs."

Bo'Non'as took out his knife and cut a few strands of the net.

"This is horrible, it's like being reborn."

Despite the rip in the net, the item still glowed, and appeared to be slowly contracting once Tu'omer was release from its clutches.  

"We should take this!"  Uha'ul suggested.

"Yeah!  It would be great for fishing!"   Oopsa seconded the motion.

At that moment, a large object comes swooped down from the trees.   The creature was bipedal, at least six foot tall, and with the head... of a moth.  Outside of a set of armor akin to the other gods, were a giant set of wings.  He gently pointed a saw-offed heavy blaster at the quartet.

Oh mighty Moth God, what have we done to anger you?"  He pushed the still-tangled Tuo'mor forward, "Do you demand this Kurabanda as sacrifice?"

The "Moth God" was confused.  "No, man, I'm just looking for a dude.  I didn't realize there was intelligent life native to this planet beyond "

"I'm looking for a human named Yoowill."

"What's a HOOO-man?"

"Ones my size, but not feather or hair."

"Oh, the hairless ones..."

The Moth God pressed a button on his wrist to scan the forest.  

Tuo'mer was inquisitive, "Why didn't you guys get a god?  Everybody else got a god."

"We're shopping around."

The Mothman questioned that conversation, "What do you guys consider a god? "  None of the Kurabanda had a good explanation.  

He followed up with an offer, "The name's Aish.  I will protect you from those insects you fear.  I am the biggest one, after all.   Help me find my dude, and I'll give you one of those magic nets."
Aish Cnekr, Bounty Hunter and Moth God

The rest of the trip to the green tribe's village remained as noisey as ever, with cooking tips for the Mothman Bounty Hunter.

"The fungus that grows in the trees is tasty when we cook it in water."  Bo'Non'as proudly asserted.

They reached the village, mostly shanties built on the ground.  A few platforms had been built in the trees, but it was still scant days since the Space Gods descended onto the Kurabanda and scattered them across the planet.  

A few of the villagers, bedecked in green smocks made out of plants, came out to gasp and point at the new visitors.

Older Kurabanda talked with Tuo'mor and motioned  to the group to sit under a lean-to until the God of the Underworld was willing to talk to them.  

While they waited, Aish  tried to view data on a wrist display.  The Kurabanda were in awe of his magic.

"It's "Hairless one" technology."

The Kurabanda were impressed, "Did you kill them all to get it?"

"No the Empire came and killed most of them.  I'm here to find the ones that got away.  Did you guys deal with these hairless ones?

"A couple of them.  One guy who had an ear and one guy who had no tail. "

Uha'ul nodded in approval, "That should clear it right up for you."

"So the hairless ones had friends?  Interesting"

A green tribe Kurabanda came back and declared the God of the Underworld would see them now. 

He led them to a hastily built Quonset hut, made of branches, with a small chimney with smoke eking out.  

Inside a smoky fire warmed the hut, but also obscured the vision of everyone.  

A booming voice echoed throughout the structure, "COME, AND LAY DOWN A GIFT FOR THE GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD."

Oopsa immediately took off his headgear-based urine-filtration system that created his water, put it down in front of him.

Uha'ul provided his stone knife.  "Oh powerful Underworld God, stab many a person with it."

Bo'Non'as gave his hammock.

The voice seemed pleased.  "Excellent, when the chosen one is discovered, the one who will unite the tribes of the Kurabanda, these gifts will help them succeed.  For now, death shall reign supreme."  

After a pause the voice sounded concerned.  "You there, tall one, what gift do you bring for me?"

The bounty hunter stepped forward and placed a hockey-puck shaped object in the pile of the other gifts on the ground.

After he stepped back, the smoke is filled with a green light.  The light created a visage of a near-skeletal Kurabanda in an oversized robe.

"Behold, the God of the Underworld.  Do you wish to embrace your death and live forever."

Oopsa wasn't buying it, "I don't think that's how it works..."

"SILENCE, foolish mammal!" the voice fired back with a thunder that shook the hut.  "You are destined to die, I can make it happen faster."

"No thank you."

The God of the Underworld turned to some odd questions: 

"For what is the reason the mighty Uha'ul, who carries the Kurabanda, why are you here?

"Unity.  The MothGod wants a dude."

"Bo'Non'as, warlord of the Kurabanda, why are you here."

"To unite the tribes."

"Oopsa, the wisest of the Kurabanda, why are we here."

"To Dance!"

Oopsa  began swaying his hips and clapping his hands.  The others quickly picked up the dance until it devolved into a mosh pit.

The dance caught the God of the Underworld completely off guard.  

Aish pulled Bo'Non'as out of the mosh pi and pressed a button on his controls  "Bo, don't freak out." 

With the god appearing awestruck from the dance, the Mothman generated an image of a human, blond hair with some tech gear on it.  "Is this one of the gods?"

"Bo'Non'as stared at it a good while. "No."

Then when I give the signal, hit the ground."

Oopsa's dancing was much clumsier, and he pushed through the green image of the god, the deity quickly reforming in seconds.


Only Bo'Non'as hit the ground.  Instead of aiming it towards the god, Aish aimed his blaster towards an area beyond the fire pit.  He fired a shot single shot, and the God of the Underworld disappeared. 

Tuo'mor was shocked, "The God of the Underworld is dead.  The God of Moths reigns supreme."

"Truk Sandova come on out.  I will burn this building to the ground.   I care not of these others, I just want you."

Uha'ul immediately repeated the bounty hunter's statement with a preaching fervor that even impressed Aish.  

Aish looked back and the booming Kurabanda, "Damn, you are the chosen one."

Coming out of the smoke was a shorter human, covered in tech and gadgets, headphones and headsets.  He did not seem amused.

"Which pirate do you have, I can pay you more."

"No my friend, this one's Imperial.  And as the saying goes,  I can bring you in hot, or I can bring you in cold."

"SO SAYETH THE MOTH GOD, "  extolled Uha'ul, as he repeated Aish's word verbatum

"But." the Mothman pondered, "...I'm cold blooded." and he blasted the human in the chest.

The shot just stunned the human, so Aish walked over and hit him in the head with the butt of his rifle.  


Aish against asked the Kurabanda, "Were the other gods like this?"


"I'll take this guy with me.  Anything I need to say to these folks, you're trying to reunite these tribes, right?"

The group sat on these side of the big stream,  Aish chased the green Kurabanda towards the stream, blowing up things with his blaster.    


The two tribes reunited, the Moth God  bid them adieu, with his still unconscious bounty, but not before a ceremony with four-year old Dipsa, the leader of the Yellowback.    

"Chosen one, let your heroes be heroes... whatever that means."

Before leaving, he return the God of the Underworld's "gifts" to the Kurabanda, with one added present.  Holding the hockey puck-shaped object in his hand, he spoke directly to Bo'Non'as. 

"If things go bad, press the center, leave it where you are, and run away very very fast.  You have the Puck of Power."

"I shall return...." and with a wink, "according to the prophecy!"

"ACCORDING TO THE PROPHECY!" The Kurabanda replied in unison.

Off in the distance, Boz Diggity, the main shaman of the Kurabanda, stared at Uha'ul, plotting within his maddening mind....

Next: Bo'Non'as and Oopsa #6 - To the Westworld

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