
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

#Zinequest4 is Dead, errrr Postponed! Long Live the Unofficial (and on time) Zinequest 4 - #ZineMonth2022

Kickstarter apparently dropped the ball and failed to promote February as their normal #zinequest month, instead promoting for August to go along with GenCon.    

Of course, this wasn't relayed to the Kickstarter creators, as a deluge of A5-sized RPG zine products hit Kickstarter on February 1st.

It appears some of the creators and just going out on their own and launching their campaign, while others are putting in under a general umbrella of Zine Month 2022.

Two thoughts here.  Kickstarter and it's proponents are idiots for trying to generate revenue in direct conflict with the biggest gaming event of the year.  It's like trying to sell concert t-shirts on the other side of the town hosting the Super Bowl that night.    It's a mere distraction, news-wise, and financially.  

Secondly, I'll still support the deluge, under the #ZineMonth2022 moniker.  I already have a sizable chunk of cool things that posted today alone, 

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