
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

2022 #CharacterCreationChallenge Review and Index

And like that, a great concept (and personal nightmare) was over.  

I should have known better than to flip through Twitter on New Year's Eve.  Nothing positive ever comes out of stuff you casually find on social media the day before a holiday.  

The 31 Day Character Creation Challenge looked innocent enough when it popped up on my feed.  Heck, I've done #RPGaDay in August for years and it's been a positive experience.  

The big difference between the two is timing.  #RPGaDay involves a list of questions, prompts, and topics, and although they want you to cover one per day, the list is release a week or two early.  I immediately jump on those questions, so when the dog days of the challenge arrive, I don't have a few short hours to think and write about the topic.  

With the #CharacterCreationChallenge, I literally posted my first character hours after announcing that I'd participate.  Sure, it was a TWERPS character, but in a world where some character creation processes take hours, working in real-time with a 60+ hour/week job and the kids' basketball schedule was not going to help.

The other victim of this challenge was my painting.  Anything more complicated than TWERPS or Risus took up time that I would normally spend at my painting bench.  I'm already behind on all my projects for the year, and I not quite sure if cracking open a bunch of games to make characters was more beneficial than working down the lead pile. 

But after 31 days, I may have skirted the rules, or even broken them at points, I posted 31 characters.  

My favorites?  Veronica Black, Flying Gary, Low-Light, and Thyme DeLay

Characters I didn't get to?   I had a Cthulhu Old West character (well before Down Darker Trails) on the to-do list and never got to it.  The Classic Traveller one simply fell by the wayside.  I had great plans to get the girls to make up Gamma World 4th Edition characters (always a hoot), but basketball season timing was never right.  I also had a full write-up planned for one of my painted mouslings, but I misplaced the Savage Worlds rulebook.  Funny story, a minute after I completed and scheduled the final post of the challenge (day 30... day 31 got finished early), I moved a few books on my gaming shelf, and my copy of the Explorer's edition magically showed up behind them.  I'll get Alphonse posted up if the girls are willing to play a mousling RPG, with all the bells and whistles.

No big surprise, Starfinder was clunky, and GURPS has lost all its nostalgic luster for me.  Yet, Hackmaster was like looking at the back of my hand... after a year long coma.  There were a few new surprises and good recollections of the those fun and crazy rules. 

Am I doing this next year?  Heck no, 

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