
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, March 25, 2022

(Painting) Mystery 15mm Mouse

Rebooting my painting queue continues to move slowly.  There area handful of projects seeing progress, a formal announcement regarding my pulp campaign coming shortly, and one tiny figure finally completed. 

I honestly don't know where this 15mm mouse guy came from.  It might have been from an HMGS convention paint and take, it might have come from a flea market, it may have been a weird Kickstarter free stretch goal.  It's sculpt and slotted base mean it's not from Splintered Light's line, it's not Battle Valor, and there's nothing similar to it on Old School Miniatures website.  It's an odd and adorable enigma.  Any help identifying this figure would be appreciated.

Still not sure how I feel about 15mm Fantasy.  It's been nice to gather my painting senses, purge some brushes and paints that were bad and get something off the pile, but I don't think it's for me.  I will say that I'm still on the fence about whether of not I should have bit the bullet and invested in 15mm Sci-Fi back in the day.  

The mystery mouse with a Battle Valor Hellion (r) and Mounted Wizard, both 15mm

PROJECT: 350 -  Considering I was in the 490s this time last year, and the 520s in the early days of COVID, I should be satisfied staying at 457 (303/154) from 457 (305/152) a week ago.  While I did start to catch up with my Star War d6 campaign's backlog, every episode I finish isn't scheduled to post until October, plus I've been forced to split episodes up for continuity sake.  I still have seven episodes to write up, and if I can play a game, or finish painting project, I might go below 300 drafts for the first time since 2018.

Next: An update on the progress for Season 4 of the Pulp Campaign first, but a certain windfall has thrown off the painting queue even more... and it's Gnomish Space Marine related.

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