
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, March 27, 2022

2022 Mid-Year Review and a Sneak Peak of Season 4 of the Pulp Game

I've said it repeatedly that I simply love the concept of blogging.  The ability to record what I've done, what I'm doing, and what I hope to do just tickles the the gamer in me.  Despite the fact that I have no desire to monetize, I still like to track page views, look for trends, and maybe see what topics I enjoy also can garner an audience. 

My gaming year runs October - September, so the end of March is time for a mid-year review.

  • Work, Work, Work, Basketball, Basketball, Work: While it's my third year managing my department, this was the first Fall where I got to travel on the company's dime to train and manage our seasonal third party vendor.  Throw in a few overwhelming seasonal projects and my kids' basketball demands, and I've had little time for painting or gaming. Then my boss of ten years left for a lucrative VP position, and I was focusing on direct reporting to the Board of Directors, dealing with an unwanted consultant, and running off to see Maja play in her first season of school ball, and things went even worse. Only with the recent hiring of my boss's replacement and the end of winter league basketball, have I managed to get back to the painting bench and planning new games for the upcoming weekends that don't have AAU tournaments.
  • Star Wars d6: My Monday night online d6 Campaign is my 2-3 hours of serenity every week.  We just stumbled into episode #70 last week, with no obvious end in sight.  The group is enjoying the game so much, everyone's forgetting to ask for character points (RE: xp) at the end of sessions, including me.  If I could only catch up on the 6-7 episodes that need to be written up for the actual play, things would be perfect.
  • You guys like what?:  The Top Ten blog posts since 10/1/2021.  A November Historicon emerging from a year and a half of COVID tops the list, with what few painting projects, some Gnome Wars, and the #CharacterCreationChallenge getting double listings.
    1. Historicon 2021 Has Finally Occurred   (Conventions)
    2. Recycled Sci-Fi Buildings   (Scenery/Terrain)
    3. Venusian Pond Scum     (Scenery/Terrain)
    4. Run While the Inn is Closed (Gnome Wars)
    5. Historicon: Gnome Action   (Gnome Wars)
    6. (Pew Pew) Low-Light, Bounty Hunter (#CharacterCreationChallenge)
    7. (Curse of Nevoz) #5 - Werewolf of London Drug  (Call of Cthulhu)
    8. (Hackmaster) Magni Drakebelly - Dwarf Cleric (#CharacterCreationChallenge)
    9. (Star Wars d6) #25 - Tournament   (Star Wars d6 Campaign)
    10. (Kickstarter) Batteries Low, Getting Dark   (Kickstarter)
Conventions:  Besides Historicon, Maja and I got to spend Sunday at Mepacon, our local convention only 15 minutes away.  She got to play in her first Powered by the Apocalypse game.

Checklist for the Second Half of the Year
6.  Painting up the Gnomish Space Marines by unit organizaiton
5.  Painting with the kids
4.   Gaming with the kids
3.   Maybe some face-to-face gaming, at least Historicon
2.   More prep for the Star Wars Campaign and one-shots to fill in off-weeks.
1.   Season 4 of the Pulp Game.

Looking at last year's end-of-year and mid-year reviews, there were two glaring facts:  First, my Pulp Game actual plays were incredibly popular, garnering four out of the Top Ten spots, and second, I've been talking about prepping for Season Four of the Pulp Game for at least a year. 

While we're looking for a Summer start to Season Four, I can let out some spoilers.
1.  We're moving from Savage Showdown (Worlds) to Pulp Alley.
2.  The main campaign will focus on Pulp Alley's Tomb of the Serpent campaign.
3.  Episode one will be more of the CBS Movie of the Week quality, taking up an entire evening's worth of programming.  
4.  We haven't even set up Leagues (aka Teams, gangs, crews) and the while the old reliable cast members will make cameos, this will be new characters we may need to paint up first.

But here's a quick tease of everything getting worked on for that first session.  It's not often I go beyond a pack or two of minis and move onto a box of Warlord plastics.

 It's not often I go beyond a pack or two of minis and move onto a box of Warlord plastics. Glue is my best friend right now (and worst enemy).

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