
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #72 - The Return of Savvn

The crew of the Pretio risking their lives in This Week's Episode

Ne'vets Aharo - An exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio, with no combat skills whatsoever.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter who recently joined crew. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some piloting prowess, no social skills, and a mysterious past.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets.  Former lover of infamous Rebel Terrorist Latorna Savvn.

Unwelcome House Guest
With notorious Rebel Saboteur and Terrorist, 
Latorna Savvn, standing at their front door.
Probably armed to the teeth, and their 
Trusted Wookie co-pilot Frokazza, missing, 
The option of  fighting a major 
Crime organization looks better and better.....

Ne'vets walked up to the door to find Latorna Savvn standing there, quite perturbed. 

"Ne'vets why did they grab you.  Where's Evus and where in the kriffin' galaxy is my brother!?!?"

Ne'vets paused, "Umm, come on in, I guess we all need to talk.  Evus is around here somewhere, probably making some eggs."

Once everyone was seated, and Poonk was sent for beverages, Latorna stared talking business, "Listen, first and foremost, I need someplace to lay low and this place looks' great."

"And you thought shooting at a whole bunch of people in our front yard is laying low?"

"You did put an ad up looking for people to work, so I'm here."

"Just don't blow my place up."

"Hey, there have been a lot things attributed to me, that are untrue, but I need a place to lay low and if you need help on your next mission, I'm your gal."

"Are you having carnal relations?"

"I won't need another bunk, I can stay with Evus."

"Well, you were going to stow away or hi-jack the ship anyway, so welcome aboard, glad to kriffin' have you."

"This is great!"

Over a quick meal, Ne'vets and Duk'k covered the details that resulted in Tarrie missing, presumed dead, or turned over to the authorities.  Latorna was at peace with the effort the crew put in to find/rescue her little brother. 

Before bed, Ne'vets added one more part to the deal.  "Don't kill anyone on this crew!"

As everyone finished clearing the table, Evus finally emerged, holding the dirty dishes he had stockpiled in his room since they returned home.  He turned the corner and ran right into Latorna.  A beaming smile came to his face,

"Hey!  We've been talking about you a LOT!"

GM Notes:  With the status of Tarrie boding poorly at best, we needed to get him a new character.  We had planned on using the Rodian dancer Sinora, with whatever template he wanted, but the player, Jim couldn't make that session.  

Enter Latorna.  

Tarrie's big sister is stacked as a Star Wars character, having survived numerous small wars and now multiple years of the rebellion.  With a few sessions in past as I write up this episode, Jim has not taken the rebel to her full potential, although she did her best to screw up holy Star Wars canon around episode #79.  More to come!

Next: #73 - The Rescue Begins

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