
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

(Call of Cthulhu) Norman Swanson, Miner from Pennsylvania

Day 10 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge, and I'm revisiting my old standby, Call of Cthulhu (pre-7th).  

Norman Swanson, Pennsylvania Miner

Height: 5'10"  Weight 159lbs  Age 27

STR 15
CON 11
POW 8 
DEX 10
APP 11
SIZ 10
INT 14
EDU 10

Luck - 40
Idea - 70
Know - 60


Sanity: 40

0 Damage Bonus

Skills: Climb (60%), Dodge (40%), Geology (61%), Jump (55%), Language: Swedish (50%), Language: English (31%) , Listen (30%), Operate Heavy Machinery (51%), Shotgun (40%), Spot Hidden (85%), Throw (50%)

Norman's been a bit late in his adulthood.  Late to leave the family home, Very late on the Scandinavian emigration to the United States, and very late to getting a job in the outdated Pennsylvania mines.  Lucky for him, he picked up training on the newer heavy equipment far faster than the traditional miners, so barring mine collapses or other catastrophes, he'll keep gainfully employed longer, as the mines begin to shutter.

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