
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 22, 2022

(Kickstarter) Myrcipean Mercanaries by Oakbound Studios

The best miniatures Kickstarters accomplish two goals upon reaching goal:  (a) Getting the pledges the minis at an affordable rate  and (b) producing enough extra to secure retail distribution, or at least web sales. 

The Myrcipean Mercenaries by Oakbound Studios appears to cover (a) in spades, but I'm confused by their approach for (b).   

Oakbound is producing fantasy-style figures in bulk, Bows, Crossbows, Hand Cannons, Spears, and Halberds.  Supporters can pledge increments of £10 ($12) for 10 gold coins to convert into figures.
£10  - Four figures with choice of weapons
£20 - Ten figures (single choice of weapon)
£30  - Twenty figures (one choice of weapon, or two units of ten with different weapons).
£50 - Fifty figures (weapon choice can be broken down to groups of ten)

With 20mm slotted bases being available for £5 for 50(!), the 50 figures is an absolute steal.
This is where things get confusing.  Oakbound states that these figures, meant for mass armies, will NOT be available after the Kickstarter is fulfilled.  Their miniature line might be a bit more eccentric and exotic than these Oldhammer-styled sculpts but it seems odd not to support a new line.

It might explain why the cost per figure is so affordable, no matter what the figures are made out of.  

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