
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

#RPGaDay2022 - Day 23 - What Current Situation is Your Character Currently In?

 Day 23 of #RPGaDay2022 continues down the road of the current character I'm playing.  

"What Current Situation is Your Character Currently In?"

Falgor the Mighty is currently in an alternate dimension, within the floating remains of a fractured planet.  In flying vessels (sail and engine driven), they've found a civilization, found out their rumors and legends match up somewhat with the rumors and legends the party needs to save the multi-verse, and are currently underground, deep within a floating mountain, working with the exiled races residing there.

It has been 2 1/2 years since I played the character, but if I remember correctly, I either was going to, or already, punch a Tabaxi in the face.  

It's okay, it was definitely a bad kitty.

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