
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #52 - Showdown in the Telos-3 Conference Room

The crew of the Pretio in this week's episode:

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek- Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.

Scripted Climax
After getting key members of the 
Holovid production company ExArts
And two of their films off of the 
Embargoed planet Palantir, 
The crew of the Pretio learned a 
Number of their B-Holovid secrets 
And survived two Imperial inspections unscathed....

But now, they have returned to the planet Telos-3 
And have encountered a long-term acquaintance 
And growing enemy, local crimeboss Laroc Sniksab.
Can our heroes control the situation, or will there be more
Running through the streets, like last time.... 

With pistols drawn across the conference room table, the female movie exec looked over towards their muscle, led by Laroc Sniksab.  "Do you know these guys?"

The crime boss nodded, "Yeah, I know these guys."

"Can your guys take them?"

"Yeah, we can take care of them again."

The exec smiled, "Good, there's an extra ten grand in it for you.  We can just kill everyone here and just take the films.  It's a lot less messier."  

Ne'vets quickly interjected, "Hey, hey, hey you didn't you have to get a whole new crew after you 'dealt with us' the last time?"

"They were expendable..."

"Which one of your guys is expendable this time," Tarrie started pointing at Laroc's hirelings.

The male film exec stood up, and walked over to the films.  "We haven't technically received this it.  If you don't deliver this, you breach the contract, and we can assume control of the company and take over all the juicy patents you own.  We won't owe you one red credit."

An explosion erupted at that far end of the table, sending the exec flying against the wall.  Rezege, the Vargr Bodyguard, stood up, whisps of smoke coming from his blaster, which was just under the conference room table.  

Ne'vets smirked, "I think you might want to negotiate in good faith."

Laroc's crew opened fire, wounding the Vargr, 

Laroc starting firing, "You can work your way off planet again, this ain't gonna be pretty."

Pascal tossed a pouch full of credits towards Ne'vets, "This catches us up, you're good to go crazy." 

Frokazza opened fire, first knocking a hole in the wall behind the Laroc's crew, the second shot hitting the hired Weequay goon and sending him through the newly-made hall. 

Tarrie moved to the toward and took open shots at Laroc, forcing him to dive behind some chairs.

The point blank shootout in a small conference room.  

Pascal took his fancy walking stick and and used it as a one-shot blaster under the table, crippling another thug.  

Ja Harkoor used his movie-set combat skills, jumping up on the table, grabbing a datapad laying there,  and flinging it at the exec's assistant, beaning him square in the head. 

Tarrie had seen a lot of crazy stuff in his career, but he had never seen anyone fan a blaster like one would a revolver, but that's exactly what Laroc did.  Forcing the others to dive for cover and catching Tarrie flat-footed with a stinger to the hip.  

Ne'vets was never much of a shot, but after seeing the ingenious trick shots from the employees, he dove under the table tried to shoot the henchmen's legs.  Unfortunately, he also hit the conference table legs flipping the tabletop in front of the Laroc and the execs, shielding them from further sneaky attacks down low.  Ja Harkoor tumbled off the table in front of Tarrie.  

The flurry of blaster fire seemed surprisingly ineffective, wounding one of two folks, but doing more damage the flipped conference room table, setting it on fire. 

As one of the exec's staff ran off with a satchel of what everyone assumed were credits, Laroc emerged from behind the flaming table, shot a a prone Ja Harkoor square in the chest... twice, and followed the exec.  
That damned Laroc Sniksab... the early years
With the dying gasps of Ja Harkoor in front of him, Tarrie had had enough and decided a flashbang grenade would end the gunfight, one way or another. 

In the blinding flash, Laroc, the hireling, and a movie exec dove out the side door.  

The movie execs made one futile attempt to grab the films and escape, but Pascal and Rezege got the better of them and took back the cylinder. 

Ne'vets blindly fired towards the side entrance, "You still owe me for that Diluthium Drop Bear, you bastard!"

With the Vargr back in possession of the film cylinder, Pascal knew it was time to cut his massive losses, "We need to get out of here."  He tried to drag the very unconscious but breathing Ja Harkoor to safety, wherever that is.  

Tarrie fired shot after shot until his clip was emptied, "Agreed, let's go!"

Everyone else stumbled back out the main door into the cantina below.  A few well placed shots in the ceiling kept everyone's heads down as they navigated down the stairs and out into the street.  

Flooding out into the street, Ne'vets gave one simple instruction to everyone, "RUN!!!" and for everyone else in the street, a screaming, "Someone's shooting everyone in the cantina.... Run!"

They all managed to elude planetary security forces that were coming down the street. 

Ne'vets crew and the film crew split up, to rendezvous with the Pretio.   Ne'vets arrived first, quickly reminded that Pascal's wife, Filar was still on the ship with Duk'k, sharing a Space Salisbury Steak.  

Pascal and Rezege arrived back at the Pretio without Ja Harkoor, "He didn't make it."

In fairly one-sided negotiations Ne'vets decided against further assisting the director, offering nothing more than unloading Filar's luggage in to the hanger bay before blasting off to Takodana again.  

Ne'vets sat down in the rarely used comms chair and tried to relax.  After a minute or two, he let out of a chuckle.

"What's so funny Ne'vets?"

"We got paid, nobody got seriously hurt, and it's funny that I didn't recognize that cantina.   Probably the fresh paint and plaster.  Shame they'll need to do it again."

GM Notes: Nothing like a point-blank gunfight to keep things real.  Steve was unable to make the session, so it was up to Hoyce to continue his trend of snarky comments and inopportune rolls, acting as Ne'vets.

Next: #53 - Loss of a Friend

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