
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, August 25, 2022

#RPGaDay2022 - Day 25 - Where Has That Character Been?

Another day of "Let Me Tell You About My Character Week", Day 25 of #RPGaDay2022 gets us to the meat of the matter, "Where Has You Character Been?"

Like a Whitesnake song, Falgor the Mighty doesn't know where he's going, but he sure knows where's he's been.  

Since emerging from the Ancestral woodlands on the border with the Imperial colonies, Falgor has been teaming up with a motley group of adventurers, including a Dragonborn Cleric (maybe Paladin, they all act the same anyway).  As much as escorting caravans for gold during the day, and essentially searching out ruins on their off time seemed like a plan, they always got involved with the Imperial army.  Most of the encounters involved corruption within the army and the civilian bureaucracy.   At least with government, the people had a code of conduct, a level of respect to all people, even if it was misguided.  

His knowledge of the wilderness and various woodland beast, magical and mundane, aided the Imperial army in a number of items, and a few key kills solidified his position within the party.  

When dealing with criminals in the frontier cities, there truly was no honor amongst thieves.  This forced for creative solutions.  While searching for news on a local Elven Druidess who had been either kidnapped or killed by the local criminal element, a solid lead led them to the Gryphon's Nest.  Instead of a bar fight to distract the guards at this inn, gambling den, and brothel, Falgor hired the services of one of the ladies, and engage with volume and... mobility through the second floor, enough to distract just about everyone, and allow the others to not only sneak in, but discover the druidess and almost escape.  When everything hit the fan and the inn caught fire, the others fled, leaving Falgor to fashion a ladder out of sheets to help all the ladies trapped on the second floor down to safety.  

The group had been hired out to handle and expedition upriver from the city to relieve and investigate a camp and ancient temple on the edge of the Borderlands.  After many unusual encounters with what appeared to be demonic creatures, they arrived at the temple, to only find the Imperial garrison at the losing end of a massive Orc attack.  Everyone ran into the temple to save themselves.

It was at this point that things got very weird, almost too weird for the simple Barbarian.  The temple had secret rooms, teleporters, and actual gates to other dimensions.  Some legends regarding multiple worlds, invansions, and the end of the world seemed to be confirmed, as were similar myths of the elves. 

Finally, some sort of corrupted artifacts forced them through a portal and into a world they refer to as Scarra.  Scarra's physical seems to have broken up, and with a weakened gravity, swaths of ground are floating where the planet stood, some big enough to hold one person, others entire mountains where cities and civilizations were built. 

Travel before these rocks are done with flying ships, some with sails, some without, but with some magical engine installed below deck.  They acquired a ship in their travels, befriended another ship, only to be betrayed by them.  

However, the party caught wind of the betrayal, seeing the ship's crew working their way into position.  While they debated a plan of defense on their armored (but powerless and tethered) ship, Falgor performed the "Calculated Leroy Jenkins," by jumping over to the other ship, tossing one of the crew overboard, and rushing halfway up the main mast to the crow's nest before anyone had a clue what was going on.

The movie adaptation involved a lot more armor, and a kick-ass female co-star.
This action disrupted the betraying crew, and force the others to attack, and ultimately take the other with only the loss of their friend, Malcon on their side.  They rescued a number of slaves, including the families of some of the sailors, as well as a very kidnapped and confused Githyanki.  

Reaching the large floating city of Harnish, they realized that the folks running the city are far worse than the slavers they had already beaten.  Falgor was registered as the captain of the their original vessel, unaware (naïve to and illiterate of) of the terms of the loan which help for official claim the ship as spoils.  With the party split (half got arrested), Falgor and his remaining friends found a rebel cleric who was willing to resurrect Malcon.  While successful, they were force to leave Harnish post-haste and headed to a site very similar to the original temple they had entered on their own world.  

Things ultimately went into the mountain itself, and they spent many days working with a group of exiled Tabaxi and Elves before the campaign was put on hiatus.

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