
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 26, 2022

#RPGaDay2022 - Day 26 - Why Does That Character Do What They Do?

Working closer to the end of "Let Me Tell You About My Character" week, today is Day 26 of #RPGaDay2022 and the question is, "Why Does You Current Character Do What They Do?"

Falgor the Mighty, 5th Level Elf Barbarian (5e) was born the Chieftess of his tribe.  The tribe is a matriarchal society, so Falgor had zero chance of become a Chief, so he focused on training to be within the warrior caste.  This did not mean he didn't accompany his mother on many functions and learn that there are times to be subtle, and there are times for a lightning quick battleaxe blade to the forehead.

Almost immediately upon leaving the tribe, he was kidnapped and enslaved by a tribe of humans who did not know who he was.  After many years he escaped captivity, and returned home with less treasure, fewer stories, and a head hung lower than many expected.  He never told anyone, and tried to go back to his usual duties, with limited success. 

Finally, the elf had had enough, and left the tribe again.  He has never told a soul about his ordeal, but will immediately try to help anyone who is considered a slave.  

He recently sign for an agreement to a loan to formerly purchase a skyship the group had seized.  His limited literacy and lack of understanding of business matters makes him unaware of the predicament that is coming fast.  In 90 days, if the group can not payoff the ship, not only will they lose the vessel, but Falgor will become a legal slave of the loan shark. 

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