
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

#RPGaDay2022 - Day 31 - When Did You First Take Part in #RPGaDAY?

The final day of #RPGaDay2022 turns me completely nostalgic, "When Did I First Take Part in #RPGaDAY?"

I'll admit that I'm a half-step behind the OGs of #RPGaDAY.

I originally caught the first mention of the program on August 9, 2014, and as I explained to my readers, I wanted to do things completely and not have a staggered start or miss days altogether.  

For Year One, I participated in December, supplanting my original 12 Days of Gaming I normally did. 

Looking back, things have evolved since in a decade, although I'm not surprised "Favorite Convention Game” and "Coolest Character Sheet" have a ridiculous amounts of page views, compared to the other 29 days.

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