
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #70 - Leaving Naboo

The crew of the Pretio risking their lives in This Week's Episode
Ne'vets Aharo - An exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio, with no combat skills whatsoever.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some piloting prowess, no social skills, and a mysterious past.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets.  Recently re-united with the crew on Naboo.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Currently missing after a gunfight gone wrong at the Spyder gambling club on Naboo.

Underground Rumblings
In the search for their friend 
And missing pilot, Tarrie Prolek, 
The crew of the Pretio have run afoul
Of a gang of Transdoshans and have been
Subsequently double-crossed.

Can the crew survive a grenade inside an
Enclosed Container, or will someone else 
Need to go back and look for the crew?

The fragmention grenade exploded forward from the table.  Duk'k staggered back, but his armor absorbed everything.   With smoke pouring out of the structure, he dragged a bleeding but otherwise healthy Ne'vets out of the portal into the "street" outside.  

Amongst the smoke and underground steam discharges, a squad of Black Sun Ops were coming down the street, dragging a protesting Sinota behind them.  With a flurry of ineffective blaster fire from both sides, Sid started working his way down a nearby side passage.

Duk'k dragged Ne'vets across the street to a barricade, shooting and killing one of the Black Sun Ops in the distance..

"Hey nice shooting."

A Nikto Bounty Hunter emerged from around the corner, gliding through the wreckage and gunfire, and effortlessly plunged a vibro-blade Duk'k's side.  

Kaa'to Leeachos

Duk'k lurched over the barricade, barely keeping himself upright.  Evus quickly twirled behind Kaa'to and fired two shots of his blaster rifle into his gut.   The Nikto's shocked look was all he could muster as Kaa'to fell to the ground, dead.

The Black Sun Ops did not advance any further, as the crew fumbled down the side passageway, and to subsequent safety.   There was no way to collect Kaa'to's body for the bounty, as there were too many wounded of their own to carry out.  

The crew emerged at surface level, many blocks away from the Piscopo.  Their frantic jog to the vehicle was uneventful, until the last half-block, when more Black Sun Ops located them and  emerged from the shadows.  The ensuing firefight was quick, and allowed Frokazza to check on the Beaked Monkeys and get the Piscopo moving.   

Frokazza chose not to test the repairs on the Piscopo, rather attempting to keep the chance at high speed, directing Evus to use the turret to shoot at walls, market stalls, and overhanging signs to create debris  to slow down any pursuit. 

The reached the starport, paid for the services, and after confirming beaked monkeys, monkey pants, but no Tarrie, Frokazza immediately launched the Pretio into orbit. 

An injured Ne'vets let out a sign of relief, "Let's get out of here, many Abel or his crazy sister have an extended safari we can help out on a planet far away from crime syndicates."

After a quick stop at the home office in Bestine for admin duties and collecting payment it was determined that a return to the ranch on Takodana was in order. 

Duk'k wanted to keep moving, looking for bounties to keep their trail convoluted, it appeared most bounties seemed to dry up, including the crew's bounties.  He could only find some very minor bail jumpers as bounties and that wasn't worth his time.  

The biggest news spreading through Bestine during their stay was the complete destruction of the Imperial ship yard in Kaleeto.  All news agency played the attack as an act of terrorism and agents for the Alliance for the Return of the Republic were immediately implicated. 

With Mid-Core worlds getting more and more dangerous, it was decided to depart for Takodana.  The rest of the trip was eerily uneventful, and soon everyone was back on the ranch, performing maintenance on the equipment, caring for the animals, and criticizing the cooking of Ruma and Poonk.  

A few days of R&R and milling about the ranch, Ruma and Poonk searched for Ne'vets with horrible news:  Frokazza and all his possessions were missing!  The rest of the crew were quite worried, but Ne'vets tried to calm them down with some discouraging words. 

"He's probably going back to Naboo to search for Tarrie.  The good news is he's taking away any heat that's on us. "

The crew dropped the subject and went about their business. For another week Ne'vets kept everyone on the ranch, avoid Andui and Maz's Castle for any problems.  

While the crew stilled worried what Frokazza was up to, a slow work schedule, a steady supply of alcohol on the porch, and the obvious lack of gunfire directed at them satisfied their inquires.

Their evening of relaxation was interrupted by the holo-phone in the main room.  Ne'vets walked inside to answer it.  It was his friend and famed safari expert, Abel Norrum.

"Ne'vets! It's Abel... wait, wait, this is his holo-mail, he's a prankster."

Ne'vets tried to answer, "Abel, it's really me..."

"That's exactly what Ne'vets would have on his message, I'll just wait for the beep."

Two more minutes of this back and forth, Abel finally realized he had been talking to Ne'vets all along.

"Ne'vets, we need to talk."

GM Notes: Here completes whatever parts of the Under a Black Sun for FFG's Star Wars RPG, were actually completed.  After running "modules" and "adventures" from the 70's and early 80's, I was shocked how vague and assuming a modern adventure could be.   There was either a lot of hand waving, or perhaps the FFG funky dice for advantages, triumphs, and the sort were far more constructive for a character getting info.   An info dump seemed as anti-climatic as the PCs getting hampered by limited research rolls.  

Frokazza may not be taking no for an answer, but for the rest of the crew, the disappearance of Tarrie Prolek is being chalked up to killed in action.  Of course, the whole rule of if there's no body, there's no true proof that he's gone,  is going to be in the back of their minds until something, anything and confirm it. 

RIP: Tarrie Prolek

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