
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

#CharacterCreationChallenge 2023

Last year, I foolishly decided to join the January #CharacterCreation Challenge on New Year's Eve.  Unlike #RPGaDay, where you can go be as flippant or in depth with a topic as you would like, creating thirty-one intriguing characters, even in a rules-light system, isn't as easy as one would like.  

This year I built up a small stock of interesting photos and AI art to inspire the first few days.  Still, there's only so many TWERPS characters I can write up, a number of these bad boys (and girls... and unspecified) will be designed using various iterations of D&D, Hackmaster, and now, Gamma World.  

I'm also not going to make all of these guys "1st-level" characters like last year.  The concept requires "new" characters, and there are mentions of base equipment, etc, but plenty of games start at 5th, 10th, 15th, or equivalent levels, and I'm not only inspired by some of these pics/art to make the characters, but possibly use them as pre-gen PCs or NPCs down the road.

Last year's index of characters I created can be found here.

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