
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Work on the Krigut Rum Continues

I'm closing in paying my second month's rent in the new place, and still things are not settled.  Whatever was set-up was up-ended in the Christmas chaos and small to medium-sized projects and tasks litter room of the apartment.   New Year's weekend might get me caught up.

The new and improved Kriget Rum also serves as my home office / online gaming space, so I've spent most of my time there. The old bookcases are half-filled, new wargaming storage shelves are quite overfilled, and the new painting area has seen the lightest of priming and painting before becoming a nexus of apartment stuff. 
FYI: The shelf is level.  The floor is pitched.
It's not the sturdy old workbench in the basement, but the elevated table is perfect stool height for painting.   I've just started researching what to fit in the corner.  Without the bench footrests, my handy plastic set of three drawers aren't as handy as they were, but are just beyond the view of the bulletin board.

One thing that reality has already checked is actual wargaming in the Kriget Room.  We could play with a very nice 4x6 table... if there was nothing else in here.  With all the necessary clutter, I suspect one wide 6-foot table in the living room will be the way to go. 

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