
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #79 - Imperial Time-Share

 The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.

Others Off-Camera
Sid - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a good pilot, and even better shot, than the previous pilot.  Possible Imperial ties. 
Latorna Savvn - Rebellion pilot and saboteur, trying to lay low from the Empire after a series and destructive attacks.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, currently working for Crom-Crom the Gungan on Naboo, but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

A Business Dinner
After a successful mission to Ruie to 
Recover the son of Imperial Oligarch, Marc Oberlates,
Exotic Animal Broker Ne'vets Aharo and 
Feared Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, Duk'k
Have been invited to a celebratory dinner.

But when oddly dressed Imperials literally 
Come out of the woodwork in the dining hall,
Is it for all those unpaid parking tickets, 
Or a far more nefarious purpose?

It was a fraught situation, a standoff between the exotic animal broker Ne'vets Ahaor, Duk'k, the Bounty Hunter, and a host of oddly uniform Imperials at the other end of the table.  No weapons were drawn, but it was an uneasy situation.

Ne'vets gave the Imperial the side eye, "This is not usually how things are done?"

The officer in the center responded, "If you had done something wrong, Mr Aharo, other Imperials would have come to shoot you.  We're a bit more civilized."

Duk'k  "But, we have an active com on our ship?

"True, true, but no one answers messages anymore.  Please, Marc, let's sit and eat."  With that the lone officer-type that was speaking waved off the better armed subordinates out of the dining room.   The host, Marc Oberlates, motioned to his servants to fill glasses and bring out food. 

After a few sips, and while the appetizers were being served, "I'm Zen Halcium, this is Corrina Dalvik, and this is Nej Moroose, Imperial Scientific Corps."

"Imperial Science Corps?"

"Yes, we exist.  We don't get to be the Emperor's Hand, or fly around in Star Destroyers, but we still serve a vital role."

Zen continued  "Your names came up a while back from Captain Zinsj of the Star Destroyer?  We did our due diligence, and you guys are legit animal traffickers."

Ne'vets agreed, "That's.... right.  We always follow all necessary protocols and licensures..."

Corrina Dalvik nodded approvingly, "I'm sure you do, Mr Aharo, I'm sure you do..."

Zen continued,  "There's a couple of operations like yours in different parts of the galaxy.  Most of these guys are out for a quick score, some are painfully dedicated to a few particular species like deranged zealots.  But you guys, even your hired help seemed to have an understanding, if not dedication to science.  It is true that you staff, including Mr Duk'k here...

"Just Duk'k"

"... Your staff, including Duk'k presented at the Imperial Zoological Symposium?"

Again, Ne'vets agreed, "And Exhibition.  Yes that's correct.   They were quite capable of handling that."

"That's what our contacts there reported back.   We have a project that's receive a little extra funding. How would you like a full time job with the Empire?"

"I'm more of a freelance guy, I might need to pass."

Undeterred, Zen disclosed the terms anyway, "We have the budget for 40,000 credits for each of you.  Might be a few months work, with a combination of research, collection, possibly muscle."

"We're researching local flora and fauna on the planet Myrkr for pharmaceutical and technological applications."

Duk'k wasn't buying any of it, "What's stopping you guys from completing your mission?"

"Nothing.  In fact, we have mercenary help for protection from predators, trusted regulars, but in regards to science, they're morons.   We need extra sets of hands, eyes, and brains. "

Ne'vets was even more skeptical, "And you've actively tried to seek us out for this vague job?"

"Like I said there are alternatives, but they lack the brainpower. Treat this more as a consultant position."

Ne'vet rolled his eyes, "You also seem well-armed, currently, for the Science Corps."

"This is my entire security cadre for the Corps.  You also have a reputation to shoot first.  Couldn't be too careful."

Offers of fame and fortune in the Imperial Science Corps come everyday

The rest of the meal was congenial.  

Nearing dessert Ne'vets asked, "If we thought things over and agreed, what would the next steps."  

Zen slid a gold holodisk.  "On this disk are the planets coordinates, the contract, and your initial clearances for the security detail.  They'll review your security checks and data on all your crew, so make sure that's all in order.  Talk it over with your crew.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us."

Zen wiped his mouth and a napkin and the three Science Officers rose from the table.

"We already heard about the mass prisoner release. That already came through our com channels way too fast.  Other divisions are already working on getting them.   Most of our prospects wouldn't even do that much..."

As they left, Marc Oberlates who had been quietly sitting at the table, mouthed words towards Ne'vets and Aharo "I didn't know what they wanted, they just sort of showed up."

The rest of the dinner involved required pleasantries of a happy host/client, and with that, the pair returned to the Pretio with their briefcases full of credits.

"We're not doing any of that right now," Ne'vet's confided in his Skipsk'ud companion.  "First we need to divvy this up and and repair the gun turret on the Pretio.

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